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1118 Results For 'and'


November 22, 2009 @ (Oregon)

Tags: dc, sucks, breakups

I was out with my friends, having a guys night. she was supposed to be study for a huge exam on the next coming monday, she wasn't going out. there's just 1 major street in our town and not too many bars. you can't really avoid people here. it was around midnight then i saw her in a bar across the street. first i was pissed because she didn't even let me know she was coming out. then! i saw her getting pretty cozy with some dude at the bar. i wanted to flip out but i didn't yet. i let it go some, they ended up kissing. I stormed over across the street, got a pint and dumped it on her. told her to piss off and i was done with her. two bouncers grabbed me and threw me onto the street, trying to brace myself from the pavement, i threw out my shoulder. Karma? eh, she needed it.



November 21, 2009 @ (NY)

Tags: parents, newyork

Well his parents hated me. Whenever we were with them they would make little comments. Mostly it was his mother, but you could just feel the hatred. I really think this was an unfounded hatred. In the past he never really paid too much attention to what she's had to say, but after this last trip i watch her pull him over and start talking about us. she gave me one of those glares as she he started to talk. It wasn't more than a week later that He ended up breaking up with me. He never would give me an answer to what she said. I have no idea what she could have said. I never cheated on him, or anything. We fought every once in a while, but nothing even close to a blowout fight. I mean if he was that big of a mama's boy, thank god i got out now! How's that for a breakup story! Ball less bastard



November 18, 2009 @ (Ohio)

Tags: she had to go

I'm a firm believer that you don't really know someone until a year or so into a relationship. I realized that she was a conceited, selfish, mean bitch. I saw her hit my dog. she didn't know that I was watching and my dog didn't do anything bad. I don't care what lip service came out of her her mouth... that was it for me. my dog is my very best friend in the world. an attack on him is an attach on me. later bitch.



November 17, 2009 @ (Northeast)

Tags: breakingup sucks, badly

I saw an interesting picture on facebook. a mutual friend just got around to posting their summer beach trip pictures. you know when you go back and look over the pix for the 2nd or 3rd time you look at the creepers usually in the background, well i found quite the creeper! It was my bf taking a body shot of some sluuut at a bar. After confronting him about that,he ending up confessing to sleeping with that same girl. WOW.... super pissed off. thank you facebook breakup!


Breaking Up 101

November 16, 2009 @ (Texas)

Tags: texas, hearbreak, breaking up, breakups

We were driving over to his parents house a few weekends ago to visit for the weekend. We got in a huge fight in the car over some stupid issues. It's really too much to get into, so sorry uBUH readers! I hate fighting but its health every once in a while, right? But I don't think pulling over to the bus station and telling me to get a ride home is an ok end to the fight. he pulled off and came back after 5 mins or so. i hate having to put on a happy face when i was so furious with him!!! the fight continued, he yelled I don't even love you anymore.. I'm leaving. He storm out of the house going to god knows where. he came back to his clothes in the front lawn... breaking up is easy


Breaking Up

November 13, 2009 @ (heartbreak)

Tags: North Car.

I had been dating the same girl since high school. we went to the same college together and i proposed to her and we moved down here to north carolina. it's almost story book. its roughly 1 month to us getting married. she sits me down to talk and proceeds to tell me that she's been cheating on me for the past 2 years. She felt that she needed to tell me. how nice of her! i was completely devastated. i mean it feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest. i've never felt so much pain. i could feel the heart thumping in my chest and my mind was racing. i never realized that breaking up with someone could feel so horrible. needless to say that I broke it off and we're not getting married let alone still together. Here I am, starting a new chapter. Yes, it was a horrible breakup, breaking up sucks.



November 12, 2009 @ (Canada)

Tags: cheating

So my ex always wanted to learn spanish. So for our 1 year I bought her everything she needed the translation books, the software. I put her in a spanish class, and even I booked a trip to Mexico for the two of us. About a month later I was hanging out with some friends at our local watering hole (which happened to across from the adult learning centre where she was taking her classes) having a smoke, when in the distance I see her come out of the centre with a guy, get in a car and drive away. When i asked her about it the next day she proceeded to tell me he was only her Mexican spanish partner and not worry about it. Now I gave her the benefit of the doubt, up until later that day when running out to get a coffee i put on my hoodie (which like 9/10 girls in the world she felt the need to wear whenever she pleased) reached in the pocket and found a paper with a conversation between them discussing them sleeping together. Needless to say my buddy and I had a great time in Mexico sitting by the swim-up bar all day for 2 weeks staring at all the little bikinis.



November 12, 2009 @ (Anaheim)

Tags: Anaheim

I just found out recently that I'm pregnant. I was actually really happy. Jon is a good man, and I was excited that he might want to take the next steps together in our relationship. I tried to avoid the "we need to talk line". i feel like that line gets the mind ready for bad news. i was very direct with him and he seems pretty cool about the whole thing. he started becoming distant. I've yet to hear from him. pretty horrible breakup if you ask me. my friends tell me im jumping to conclusion to fast, but its over i can just feel it.


Pissed Off

November 11, 2009 @ (east Coast)

Tags: never calls, dumpee

So we had a lot of issues and we were constantly fighting but I still cared for him and did everything I could. That might have been the problem. I spent all my efforts making him happy and he rarely returned the favor. Well it has been a week since our last heated argument and he said we would talk soon. Yet I haven't heard from him. Don't lie to me! If you don't want to see me and work things out then just say so! don't lead me on! ass-wipe!



November 11, 2009 @ (East Coast)

Tags: dumped, ex, time filler

I used to be shy around guys (I was messed up with commitment and trust issues). Usually a guy would give up pursuing me cause I would always push them away. One time this guy didn't give up so I thought I would give it a chance. I mean, I can't be alone forever! So we start hanging out and he tell everyone we are dating and it is serious. News to me. After after about 3 months he has a work party that I am not allowed to go to. He told me a month in advance so I didn't really care. Then I find out his ex (who he used to work with) will be there. A few days later he breaks up with me claiming that I made him feel guilty for talking to his ex. First of all, I'm not sure how i did that because I never complained or anything. So I tell him maybe he is still in love with her. He tells me "no" and then proceeds to recite a laundry list of everything that was wrong with me. He got back with his ex and they have been together for a year. I'm just pissed he didn't have the balls to tell me the truth! I wasn't that into him anyway. But I did feel like I was a time-filler until his ex was done having her "fun" an wanted him back. That wasn't the best feeling in the world.


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