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19 Results For 'karma'


December 13, 2010 @ (arkansas)

Tags: work

well me and my boyfriend were together about a year and two months. we had talked all summer about going out and when we finally did we hit it off great. i was 17 when we started and he was 18 i know were young. we were together all the time and he started to tell me how much he loved me and cared about me everyday and we became eachotthers first love, and other things if know what i mean. we even went outta of state with eachother to meet the rest of our families. soon into the relationship he asked me to marry him even though i know we're young i felt and seen other young couples make it and grow old together so i said yes. it took me a while to see if i truly loved him or was attached but i ignored it. we then started to fight alot throughout our relationship but always made up and had really good moments. he wasnt just my boyfriend he was like my bestfriend i could tell him anything he was even there for me in my hardtimes. one day i realized if we wanted to get married we had to do something with our life and not just be supported by love so i suggested for me to go to the army which i wanted to do before him and he agreed happily and we were then going to get married after boot camp. as the time got closer for me to leave, his family and friends started to tell him i was gonna end up finding someone else in there but i gave him my word. The time got closer for me to leave and we started to get distant and hung out less and less and i started to stress till one day we got into a huge fight where it got physical just a shove nothing big and i told him i dont think i can do this anymore im tired of the fighting but he told me he still loved me and wanted to be with me so we made up of course and silly me i stayed, funny how around this time hes been hanging out with one of his guys friends and he brought a female over. a week goes by and he starts to act strange more distant, but i ignored and i realized that i do love him and dont wanna lose him. he then stops talking to me for week in a half and i receive a phone call that we should date other ppl because he found someone else and they liked eachother after such a short period of time. i asked him if he loved me and he said yes but we needed to be seperated or take a break, so then it hit me and i asked him that he was basically saying he loved me but wasnt in love with me no more and he said yes, i felt crushed i felt like everything we been through was just a lie. he did this to me a couple weeks before i ship out. his excuse is he didn't want to cheat on me while i was gone, he wasnt saying that months before this he kept telling me i better not leave him. so eventhough im very hurt i know i need to move on, but his friend then asks me if i ever cheated on my ex after this whole breakup, (definetly not, and none of his business) his mother then calls me and tells me that he says does miss me and if he should just let me go since im leaving...HE ALREADY LET ME GOO!! he also has to correct himself because he still accidently says my name. after all this im very confused and hurt and hopes karma comes. i do still wanna believe he still loves but since he did all this it hurts, because i never thought he would do something so low, after how much he would tell me how much he loved me and how could he get involved in another relationship so fast.



November 02, 2010 @ (NY)

Tags: good ridance

We dated for a year and a half on and off for our own multiple reasons. He'd break up with me and come back, today was our 5th...not first..not second. 5TH time we've broken up, he went to a camp over the weekend met someone and is now ignoring me. I've IM'd him for the last time saying "fuck you. karma's a bitch & I hope she breaks your heart" & blocked him. I gave him all my love, he told me I made him feel ontop of the world, I always tried my best with him. May it be fights, his problems..anything. But I guess he never loved me at all, probably faked the whole relationship. This is the last time I'll ever shed tears for him, that jerk.



August 22, 2010 @ (Canada)

Tags: Phone Break-Up, Pregnant... Not

Ok, so basically I spent the better part of 2 years with this girl that was REALLY hard to get because we were really only dating for 4 1/2 months of that time span... So anyways it started out great, then the sex was gradually added on... But she has an extreme anxiety disorder about a lot of things, one of which include dating (don't as me why, everyone says she's a nutjob for having this)... So she was having all of this attack and stuff because she was late... Now I do not know what she's she scared about, I NEVER came inside... In fact she wasn't even that good in bed so there really shouldn't have been this problem... But no, she starts isolating herself and making me really frustrated because I wanted to badly see her (I was on a co-op placement, so I was away from school for 4 days a week) but she wouldn't allow me... So then she had her period, and I thought everything would be back to normal but then she suddenly said that she didn't feel the same anymore, blah blah blah and broke up with me over the phone... I was shocked so I tried other ways to contact her but I was blocked, so I did some more drastic things and her sister stepped in and everything became a huge mess... Now I really resent her for everything she put me through and for not giving me closure, and it looks like Karma already did its job because she lost ALL of her friends after hearing what she did to me



August 11, 2010 @ (usa hillbilly vill)

Tags: karma revenge

lol so just to shorten it up

i dated this girl once before and she lied and bla bla bla we broke up it took a big tole on our friendship but 2 yeaqrs later she starts hunting for my cock. the sex was great and after 4 months of kinky nasty porno grade sex she decides we should date. so we have a good relationship for about a year we decides to get engaged excetra and then one day she want to go to some crapy concert but i have to work so she takes her (male) cousin ok what ever thats fine they are bot mettle heads but after that she started to get distant from me and going out when i wasn't home but wouldn't tell me shit so i being tech savvy loged into her email to see pictures of her cousin jacking it and her reply's on how she loved sucking his cock (fucking smaller than mine ) and how she loved the feel of it going down her throat bla bla bla you get the point plus references to them having sex.... nasty anywho so obviously we break up she moves out and in with her mom and dad (come on your 34)...around 3 weeks later she starts dating her cousin ( whom she had introduced as a 1st cousin but is now claiming he is a 3rd) ok now this guy is a piece of work hes dating and fucking his cousin of some number and totally controlling her life telling her where she can go what she can do who she can be friends with (cuz she still wants to be friends with me )"not going to happen" any who she starts pissing every one off with her whining about how controlling he is and how he is an alcoholic and not showing up for his job and lying about why we broke up (she gets mad at me for telling people that we broke up because she was cheating on me with her cousin) "truth hurts i guess".... so time passes she is still bitching about him but in under a year she is engaged to the dick. but there is a problem yup he is married has been for years... so now about 2 years later she is stuck with a guy that quit his job in a depression they are both living at her mom and dads and she still bitches about him being a controlling drunk but she wont do anything about it because she alienated all her friends and doesnt want to admit to being a cunt lol KARMA is a bitch inst it



January 11, 2010 @ (Dallas,Texas)

Tags: texas, hearbreak, breaking up, breakups

Nothing like starting the new year by seeing a picture on facebook of your girlfriend making out with some dbag at a party. Best part is i haven't talk to her in about 2 days. When, and if she calls im going to break up with her on the spot. Get this, her friend has been hitting on my for the past month. I'm thinking i might actually make out with her and post it on facebook. That would be a fun breakup story. Karma doesn't exist.



November 22, 2009 @ (Oregon)

Tags: dc, sucks, breakups

I was out with my friends, having a guys night. she was supposed to be study for a huge exam on the next coming monday, she wasn't going out. there's just 1 major street in our town and not too many bars. you can't really avoid people here. it was around midnight then i saw her in a bar across the street. first i was pissed because she didn't even let me know she was coming out. then! i saw her getting pretty cozy with some dude at the bar. i wanted to flip out but i didn't yet. i let it go some, they ended up kissing. I stormed over across the street, got a pint and dumped it on her. told her to piss off and i was done with her. two bouncers grabbed me and threw me onto the street, trying to brace myself from the pavement, i threw out my shoulder. Karma? eh, she needed it.



October 15, 2009 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: Karma x2

This is a long story but full of karma. I was totally in love with my girlfriend, and she with me, while we were serving in the Army in Germany. She got reassigned back to Ft. Meade so we were separated for many months but sent love letters back and forth and called as much as possible over that time. I eventually got out of the Army and went to visit her. She pretty much blew me off but I guess I didn't really want to accept the fact that we were broken up. 4 months later, she tells me she's getting married, to the dude she's been screwing while I was still in Germany. After the honeymoon, he gets back to find orders to Korea (unaccompanied tour, no spouse). I had to laugh....Revenge is mine!!! Years later, I go to Hawaii to visit a friend and he tells me she's there, still with her husband. I meet her and we hit it off, she's all over me asking me to come back while her husband is back home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Sorry for the homewrecking thing, but I was still very much in love with her. So I go back and she blows me off again! WTF...we aren't physical, nothing like my visit a month prior. Anyway, her husband is scheduled to get back on Tuesday, so I leave on Sunday and call her Monday night. Her husband answers, obviously in the middle of an argument. I thought it was because I had been there, not that we had fooled around or nothin. I call our mutual friend and find out she had another dude over Monday night and were doing it on the couch when her husband came home a day early. Karma strikes again!!!



October 13, 2009 @ (Colorado)

Tags: asshole

So I start dating this guy for about 2 years but I should have known better because my friends and family kept telling me he was a jerk and I should have known better because he told me not to love me after we had sex the first time but anyhow we were dating for a year when he went out with his girl friends which I knew who had the hots for him (they were too obvious) and he ended up making out with both of them that night. I should have broke up with him right! nope was stupid. I did broke up with him a couple of weeks before my birthday but a couple of weeks later after I had slept with another guy he wanted me back, begging and telling me how he would be different this time. Moved with him to another state and stayed another year which is another stupid move. Then he got reunited with a high school friend and I should have known because well they were hanging out a lot and he picked her up a lot but I wanted to trust him. Finally I wanted to end it even though I didn't want to so I send him an email so we can talk about it when I get home. So when we did talk about it you know what he told me, that he's been wanting to break up but he wanted me to finish the semester to spare my feelings. Asshole but that's not the worst part. A couple of days after I broke down and call my mother and told her I wanted go back home you know what he told me "Are you done crying", know what I did, I punched him in the nose a couple of hours after when he was sitting in his computer playing world of warcraft. Never regretted it and I am so glad I punch his ass because it was unexpected and I hurt him good that he slept upstairs because he was scared of me. He is still single not surprising, I'm not and about to get married next year, boy do karma works.


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