
March 01, 2010 @ (youngstown)

Tags: Secrets , Games, Lies

I was with her for what feels like almost 2 years. We had our moments you know good and bad just like everybody. To her though I was this horrible person, but I didn't keep secrets from her and always told her how I was feeling. She was the complete opposite we broke up 4 times and got back together. The last time was on the third time we broke up I met another woman she was younger and we had a lot in common. She wasn't interested in me well that's what she told me. After awhile we stopped talking. Well me and my ex got together yet again and I was happy really but while me and this friend was talking I was gonna do something for her birthday and it was also around Christmas to. So she gave me something to help build her this present. I broke the thing she gave me to use and I felt like I owed her. I had forgotten about it but I had it programed it in my phone for that day I got paid. So I figured I would get her a card and put 10 dollars in it and say I was sorry and explained myself in the card. Well I didn't tell my ex and after awhile I got afraid of her finding out some other way. So I told her what I did and why I decided to tell her to. She didn't like any of it and she said some nasty things and we broke up for the very last time. She was my first and I loved her and some part of me still does but I don't think we will ever make it work and it sucks.



Comment on this breakup


March 02, 2010

I understood 0% of that story.


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