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4 Results For 'worst break up ever'


June 06, 2017 @ (Tampa )

Tags: Worst break up ever

It was doing perfectily fine. Which is what I thought. But I heard he was thinking about ending it because he had no time to hang out in the summer because of baseball. So I decided to bring it up via text. He totally denied he ever said anything about breaking up with me even though my friends said he was talking about it. The next day he ends it over text saying he doesn't want to date and likes someone else. I was miserable. The next day, asks out another girl. The. Next. Day. Total jerk.



February 22, 2017 @ (Covina, CA)

Tags: Worst break up ever

I fell in love with my best friend. He was a sweet and kind boy that loved to help people. And he loved me back. I knew he did because he treated me like I was special. He said things that no one who saw you as just a friend would say. 4 months of magical romance that everyone saw but we didn't want to admit was there. Finally one day we told each other how we felt and all our friends were so happy for us. I had never been happier in my life. We loved each other. At first it was cute puppy love, I guess you could say, but when my growing depression finally got ahead of me, we found out how much we truly loved each other. He cared for me unlike anyone I've known. The puppy love became a romance and passion that we had building up inside of us for months. We were completely in love with each other even if we both hated ourselves. We were each other's reasons for living. And I can't tell you how many times we were so close to giving up but saved each other. I'll never forget that day I wanted to kill myself and he told me that he loved me and I meant everything to him. That I changed his life for the better. That summer, 3 months after we first confessed to each other, was depressing because we missed each other dearly. School was the only time we got to see each other. Then one day I got my phone taken away. The only way I could contact him was through text. For 2 weeks I sometimes secretly went in my phone to text him. It was brief but those moments were everything to me. Then... 5 days after our 5 month anniversary, I got my phone back. I texted him happily and he replied. But he was depressed. I asked him why and he refused to tell me. I hadn't talked to him in 3 days at the time so anything could've happened. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he said.... "I think I'm gay..." I was in shock. And when he said he liked me as a friend, I wanted to throw my phone and just kill myself. I struggled to stay calm for his sake. If I showed how much it hurt, he would regret telling me even more. I told him I needed to be alone. I was in public, totally unprepared for any tragic news. But slowly as reality sunk in, I couldn't hold back against the tears that threatened to pour. I excused myself to the restroom where I cried so hard I couldn't breathe because I tried to stay quiet. I didn't feel anything but pain and sadness. For the next few weeks, he begged me to move on. He was extremely sad and was angry at himself for breaking my heart. He even said he wish had never said anything at all. But I would've found out one day. He wouldn't love me anymore and I would be able to tell. School started and we were friends who pretended we were fine. No one asked about our relationship. Only one person did but we ignored them. It's funny. A lot of people keep asking us if we are dating. No one asked when we actually were. He isn't the same anymore. He isn't positive anymore. He shuts down when he's sad and only talks to his therapist. He used to talk to me. I dont know what we are at the moment. Sometimes I see my boyfriend again in the way he looks at me. Sometimes I see my best friend. But sometimes I see my ex boyfriend, the broken shell of the person I once knew and loved. I still love him to this day.

If you ever hear about a break up where the boyfriend finds out he's gay and the girlfriend is sad, don't laugh. It sounds humorous, but when it becomes your reality and the thing that tears you apart everyday, you won't be laughing. In these cases, there's little to no chance of getting back together. And it hurts like hell.



November 08, 2016 @ (Las Vegas )

Tags: Worst break up ever

So me and my boyfriend had been going out for 9 months straight he then dumped me on oct 31.... and then the next day went out with my best friends cousin.... and we were so close to a year I'm in high school we're soft mores and she's a senior..... so yeah it hurts like shit... I hope this makes you feel better girls or guys if something like this happened to you ....



June 26, 2015 @ (Wolverhampton)

Tags: Worst break up ever

So i met this guy a month and a half ago, we met each other and chilled together on the day we first met, and then after we would message everyday none stop. I started falling for his personality, and i just felt so comfortable around him, i just always thought omg i cant believe ive met such guy. One day he asked to meet again with his friend and my friend and so we did, we went cinema, we ate and on that day was our first kiss. After that we carried on talking, and just everything felt so good, i was the happiest girl alive to have met him. Then a few weeks later we met again and it was just us two. He told me his problems and he said im the only person who can take his stress and pain away, so that day we was together he came to my house, my mom met him. Then after we talked a couple days. His mom went thru his phone while i was asleep, and she read everythin, and sent me a heartbreaking message saying "My parents have seen your pictures and they threatened to show them to your parents and told me not to talk to slangs like you again so don't text me again or it will get worse." His mom had sent me this on his phone. Then a few hours later he text me sayin, it was his mom and he was really angry that he smashed everythin in his moms room and made her cry. So he walked out his house and wanted to see me, even his friends couldnt control him when he was angry i was the one who always calmed him down. He came to my house and i begged my mom for him to stay the night. My mom was so angry she made me sleep upstairs while he was down. My mom was just angry at me cz he stayed, then in the mornin we went out and i went skwl later for exam. He waited for me and we was together for a couple hours and he took me out for a meal he told me how much he loved me. So i just told him how i felt too. Then i got home and my mom slapped me so much and she thought wrong of me saying im taking you to doctors to see if your pregnant. Then my nan told me to stop talking to him and my mom said your not aloud to talk or see him again or i will kick you out the house, then the next day he sent a text sayin "we cant talk because i promised my parents i wont", this is because his mom sed if u talk to tht girl tht means ur not my son. So i sed ok dw, he called me and he heard me crying but he didnt know why. So he told me we cant talk and we both have to move on. Thats it right now my heart is broken and i just hate everythin, ive had mock exams and i think ive done so bad in all of them because all this stress i cant revise either, the relationship is over, the worst thing is trying to forget the memories.


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