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36 Results For 'sucks'


September 17, 2010 @ (Clarksville)

Tags: Love Sucks

well it started about a month ago i was dating this guy who i figured was dating me becuase he wanted sex but i convinced myself if really did love me. he had given me deadlines if when we should have sex but i continued to tell him that i didn't know if i was ready to have sex again. so he keep telling me i should go get my sexual needs satisfied. i kept telling him that it would be wrong for me to do that since i was dating him but he said it was ok as long as i was happy. i never did it so he got off the subject. then yesterday all of a sudden he wanted to have sex with me but i turned him down and he broke up with me. today he texted me and was acting like nothing happened so i got alittle anger. then he told me the only reason he broke up with me because i didn't have sex with him. i think i might have really loved him bit he won't have me because i won't have sex.



July 28, 2010 @ (TX)

Tags: sucks

sucks when your bofriends best friend shows you a text that he is going to decide to break up with you soon...i called the next few minutes and said it was over :D
it was fun to do the favor for him.



June 22, 2010 @ (arkansas)

Tags: love sucks dont it

So when i was a freshman i fell for the senior soccer star. He was gorgeous goood grades great smile, family guy and all around PERFECT. i obviously was smitten but ha so was his gf of a year. he failed to mention this everytime we hung out everytime we talked and when i brought it up he said that she just couldnt get over him, it was quite sad. the saddest part was he was my first and after we got done she called him and left a voicemail saying baby when your done mowing the lawn call me, i grabbed my clothes and bolted out of there. he tried calling texting everything for almost a month finally i gave in and he said that he didnt know if i really loved him and thats why he stayed with her. LAME right,then he tells me how hes leaving for college and when he gets back were hanging haa he never left, ya i sall pictures on fb of a party in the town we live in he denied them saying they were before he left. THen his still gf posts saying how she loves her marine boyfriend and thinks little girls need to get over him. well needless to say we got into it just to find out that he told her i was obsessed and that i wouldnt leave him alone, so i told her what i knew but she said that i was lying. ha they broke up not that long after and he got with another one of my friends.
he still trys to talk to me but funny thing is now looking back at it i wish i had given myself to someone who respected people more



March 16, 2010 @ (Tacoma, WA)

Tags: Me, , Jerk

Was dating this guy for a few months.. he kept doing some shady BS and I was tired of putting up with it. So I decided last week to finally end things... We talked about it a couple times actually, but on wednesday it was official. Now begins the text messages...
Me: No. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry..
Jerk: okay. I had gf whole time. I knew you were a fling
Me: Did you really have a gf the whole time?
Jerk: It's over. No need to talk. bye
Jerk: Deleting your number. Outta sight outta mind
Jerk: u can't hurt me anymore
Jerk: one day you love me, next you can't do it anymore.. first time thats happened
Jerk: you'll never know.. cuz we done. cuz u are unrealistic.. and its spring time.. aka playa season. i only date during the winter
Jerk: You were fun... thanks :)
Me: Likewise (My last message to the jerk) Wed morning
Jerk: What about one last fuck
Jerk: My last comment to u is.. a bitch is always last to get fucked. sorry it didnt work.. I almost gave up my gf for u. so glad I didnt

Ok.. those were all Wednesday morning.. then at 6:30pm he sends this...
Jerk: I miss u. i'm addicted
Then at 10pm
Jerk: Goodnight Lexi
Then the next morning he actually tried calling me. Then more text messages
Jerk: Are we not friends anymore?
Jerk: Wow. I guess I'll never hear from you again. couldn't give up girlfriend. she is hella rich. and Im going on 3 vacations Vegas Hawaii and she gave me money also towards new york. I like u. I'm sorry i couldn't give you 100% of me. u need a sugar daddy and cool dude to fuck on side. fuck a relationship. get this money
On Friday morning he tried calling again.. then more text messages
Jerk: I need to hear your voice
Jerk: can we talk
Jerk: I'm coming over to talk to you (I left for work at this time, I dont think he ever showed up)
Jerk: I can't live without you Lexi. I love you more than anything
Jerk: remember i'm the cereal, you're the milk
Jerk: you weren't a fling. u are my soulmate
Jerk: I haven't been able to eat since we broke up. I am sick... love sick
Jerk: one last talk, I need that
Then that night.. he sends me a picture message with his photo.. saying..
Jerk: miss you
Jerk: These other bitches dont do it for me. I need u

Then I heard nothing all weekend so I thought maybe he was actually going to stop contacting me. But I was wrong. Monday morning...
Jerk: without you i'm lost. talk to me
Jerk: or do i gotta show up at your work just to see you again
Jerk: this sucks. all these other girls wanna kick it, but i dont. I want my LEXI BACK!!!

It's weird how crazy someone can be once you break up.. Or at least that's when you finally realize it. I've been ignoring him since last wednesday morning. If he continues contacting me I'll post an update...



February 28, 2010 @ (Asia Pacific)

Tags: didn't work out

I broke up with him just last week and it sucks. I can't say "officially" broke up because we didn't have the official talk. We have been dating (purely dating, no sleepovers etc) for nearly 10 months. Even though we've never discussed commitment, we've spent time with each others parents and traveled together, texted and talked to each other nearly everyday and meet at least once a week. Everything was progressing well. Last Monday, while we were out playing tennis, he told me he was going to spend the next weekend with some girl, to visit her hometown and check out the festivities there. I acted normal but became quiet after he told me that. He asked me later during dinner if I was upset, I said a bit but its ok. Later that night, he texted me goodnight and I replied with goodbye. I haven't heard from him since. I wonder if I will hear from him again. He was one of the kindest men I have ever met, and I felt safe with him, and I've never felt like that before. Guess at the time, I figured if after 10 months of dating he was going off like that with some girl, might as well just move on... :((



February 01, 2010 @ (youngstown)

Tags: Secrets , Games, Lies

I was with her for what feels like almost 2 years. We had our moments you know good and bad just like everybody. To her though I was this horrible person, but I didn't keep secrets from her and always told her how I was feeling. She was the complete opposite we broke up 4 times and got back together. The last time was on the third time we broke up I met another woman she was younger and we had a lot in common. She wasn't interested in me well that's what she told me. After awhile we stopped talking. Well me and my ex got together yet again and I was happy really but while me and this friend was talking I was gonna do something for her birthday and it was also around Christmas to. So she gave me something to help build her this present. I broke the thing she gave me to use and I felt like I owed her. I had forgotten about it but I had it programed it in my phone for that day I got paid. So I figured I would get her a card and put 10 dollars in it and say I was sorry and explained myself in the card. Well I didn't tell my ex and after awhile I got afraid of her finding out some other way. So I told her what I did and why I decided to tell her to. She didn't like any of it and she said some nasty things and we broke up for the very last time. She was my first and I loved her and some part of me still does but I don't think we will ever make it work and it sucks.



December 31, 2009 @ (new jersey)

Tags: my fault

i've been with my girlfriend for 3 and a half years. after numerous break ups, each containing an amorous and sexual relationship for her, and nothing for me, she finally broke up with me. The thing that sucks is that she was a bitch for 2 and a half years, but for the last year she has been amazing and only had eyes for me. Unfortunately, i began to take her for granted and things went awry. We broke up 2 weeks ago, starting to hang out but she decided that she can't be with me, because i broke her heart, because our relationship has no thrills, and because i don't have my own apartment. She's already dating a very tall and tattooed man who's an ex drug addict. Also, he's ginger, so i don't feel too bad.



December 08, 2009 @ (Hollywood, FL)

Tags: fl

I been dating this girl for close to 2 year, everything was great. We had a lot of common interests and shared a lot of the same views on life. I really though that she was going to be the one. I came home one day it was like someone flip the crazy switch. Everything i said, everything i did, she was bitching. Yelling and screaming, just being plain nasty. I figured that work might have been stressing her, and i wanted to be supportive. This kept on for close to a month, and i had enough. There's no point. I couldn't be with someone like that. She didn't make any attempts after i brought up what was going on. It sucks because i really did love her. I guess sometimes you just gotta move on.



November 22, 2009 @ (Oregon)

Tags: dc, sucks, breakups

I was out with my friends, having a guys night. she was supposed to be study for a huge exam on the next coming monday, she wasn't going out. there's just 1 major street in our town and not too many bars. you can't really avoid people here. it was around midnight then i saw her in a bar across the street. first i was pissed because she didn't even let me know she was coming out. then! i saw her getting pretty cozy with some dude at the bar. i wanted to flip out but i didn't yet. i let it go some, they ended up kissing. I stormed over across the street, got a pint and dumped it on her. told her to piss off and i was done with her. two bouncers grabbed me and threw me onto the street, trying to brace myself from the pavement, i threw out my shoulder. Karma? eh, she needed it.



November 17, 2009 @ (Northeast)

Tags: breakingup sucks, badly

I saw an interesting picture on facebook. a mutual friend just got around to posting their summer beach trip pictures. you know when you go back and look over the pix for the 2nd or 3rd time you look at the creepers usually in the background, well i found quite the creeper! It was my bf taking a body shot of some sluuut at a bar. After confronting him about that,he ending up confessing to sleeping with that same girl. WOW.... super pissed off. thank you facebook breakup!