Searching for "horrible liar"

1 Results For 'horrible liar'


July 28, 2016 @ (Tx)

Tags: Horrible liar

I was talking to this guy who had a gf( never got told till we started talking and flirting). Anyways he then stated to tell me that that he's just waiting for her to break up with him and just wait a while. Well one day he then texted me saying he didn't want to talk for family issues. His gf then found out and told my friend everything that he said and how I was the one telling him to break up with her. So basically he was making me out to be the bad guy when he's the one who texted me forst multiple times before I actually texted him back. So never talk to guys who lie about having a gf cause you'll end up looking like the bad one✊🏼


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