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1 Results For 'dumped by text message'

Broken Hearted

July 07, 2018 @ (@ Arkansas )

Tags: Dumped By Text Message

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 4:45 PM Jennifer
Sorry if my story is kind of long but I want to tell the whole thing. February 22nd my fiance and basically the father of my four children (they viewed him that way for 6 years this July) passed away in my arms unexpectedly. Eight weeks ago I started dating a guy that knew my whole story and I knew that he had been separated from his wife for 6 months and that he said they were going to get a divorce soon. Things between us was great. We hit it right off. He was such a sweetheart. He would hold me when I would cry about my fiance passing away. He'd tell me to let it out so that I can begin to heal. He would come and see me usually once during the week, every weekend that he could


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