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May 24, 2010 @ (ny)

Tags: 123

i was in a relationship for 9 months with a guy that i considered to be the love of my life. everything was going well untill i started hearing rumors that he was talkng to my cousin. i couldnt believe it and at the time didnt pay too much mind to it. it just so happened to be true. they were talking and i was heart broken. my own cousin betrayed me and so did he. he begged me to forgive him and assured me that she didnt mean anything to him. unbelievably i forgave him. i was too in love with him and didnt want to lose him. Everything went well after that and there were nomore rumors.

On the day of my birthday everything changed. He sent me a text message telling me that im a hoe for not telling him that i had gone out with a guy that he knows. that got me really upset since that had happened way before him. He told me off and told me it was over. He messed up my birthday i was heart broken and stressed. But my heart still loves him its just unexplainable :/..



October 13, 2009 @ (Norcal)

Tags: left

So me and my ex had met at college, and continued our relationship after. She even moved out to the westcoast to live with me, however 2 months later she says she doesn't feel right being there and what's to go back to her hometown in the midwest. She goes, she's there for a week and tells me it's over. So we stop talking, and she starts caling me again 3 months later, says she wants me to come see her and still loves me, I still have feelings for her so I go. I'm there for 2 days, and she tells me she doesn't love me anymore, and I should leave. So I say I'll get a hotel, cuz my flight doesn't leave for 4 more days, she says no cuz she's worried we'd have sex again(wtf). So I change my flight to the next day for $100 and ask her to take me to the airport, which is 2 hrs away, she says no but she'll take me to the greyhound that night and it goes to the city the airport is in, mind you my flight leaves at 12pm and I'll get to the city at 11pm the night before.. So that's what happened, me in the middle of nowhere, in a city I don't know, heartbroken.


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