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1223 Results For 'b'


December 06, 2016 @ (New York)

Tags: smh

OK so i was in gym cause i am in high school and out of no where my best friend says " so i guesss you and ____ broke up huh " im like"no' so she goes to his instagram and he has a woman crush Everyday . let me repeat not wednesday but EVERYDAY to another girl captioned "once you find her dot let her go " like wtf . You didnt break up with me but you magically somehow found another girl. oh Did i mention we were together for a year ,He asked me to his prom , and i had JUST TOLD MY MOM ABOUT HIM.... SMFH



December 04, 2016 @ (United States)

Tags: blindside

I got broken up with yesterday by someone that I really cared about. We understood each other on a level that no one could explain, and he was my best friend. We had been dating for about 2.5 months and everything seemed completely fine. We were together the day before it happened, and he didn't show any signs of wanting to break up. He told me that he just didn't have time to prioritize a relationship right now (some context: we're both college students, he's a senior and I'm a sophomore). He said that it wasn't that he didn't have feelings for me anymore, and it wasn't anything that I did, it was just that he just had so much going on and he felt like "[he] wasn't being fair to [me]" by not spending enough time with me and not being fully present when we were together. Do you think there's any chance that he'll come back to me? I miss him so much...



December 03, 2016 @ (Uk)

Tags: #brokenheart

My name is kyra, I was with my boyfriend for year we broke up about a month ago. He was obsessed with me, I thought he would never leave and it cut me like a knife when he walked out of my life. I can't eat, l can't sleep, I have no ambition what so ever! My heart is physically broken, I don't know if I'm going to survive this. I can't imagine life without him forever or him being with someone else, it makes me physically sick!!! Getting out of bed is a struggle everyone morning, the pain is unbearable; the big whole in my heart keeps getting bigger. My life feels like it's over, l feel like I will never be happy and content again! Nothing can ever fix this l just want to end it all. I can't be here anymore, l can't do this, l can't survive this. Someone please help me!!


Emmanuel Scott

December 01, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: Jennifer

Hi,my name is Jennifer Emmanuel Scott I live in USA I am very happy today with my family living in USA, My husband left me for good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back, I have tried so many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that introduced me to Dr Brown spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are now living happily together today,thanks to him,He is a great man,you can contact him via email email ( i will also say that if you have any problem like diseases,HIV,need lost love,or financial problem you can also contact him now. He Is a kind heated man who will help you with your problems okay .contact him on email (


Erick Lopez

December 01, 2016 @ (Arlington VA)

Tags: #badbreakup #dumped

I dated my ex 5 times through 6-7th grade. I'll call her Alex for sake. She asked me out and I said yes. The next three days were the best of my life I loved her kisses and her hugs were the sweetest things ever. But one day she texted me saying "Erick, I need to tell you something". This obviously got me nervous. She said "I lost feelings for you" That hurt by itself but the worst part was that she said she found feelings for someone else. That killed me. She played with my feelings so professionally.


Jay Jay

November 30, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Okay so I had been dating this guy for 2 years and I was madly in love with him. He was a lover and best friend which can be hard to find most time in a relationship. We argued a lot and there were many times when he made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him in our relationship. We lived together for about 1 year. There were things about him that I absolutely love but I knew he could be a selfish person. Anyways toward the end of our relationship. He said he wanted to move out to be closer to school which was already an hour drive for him. At this time we were arguing a lot. I thought this would be good for us because we need a bit of space. A couple week of him moving out he was telling me. Stuff like he feel like he is single and has been telling people he was single. But we still hadn't broken up. We decide to take a break and work things out. A week later we got in a huge argument. Then I found out four days later over Facebook he has a new girlfriend. I was like ouch I guess it's official. But he keep play mind games and telling me he still love me and we can work. Untill one day I showed up at his house while his new girlfriend was there and confronted him about he said in front of her that we had been over for months and he want to leave 6 months ago. Since then I have been trying to break all ties but it can be hard sometimes



November 27, 2016 @ (indiana)

Tags: #dontmesswithme

I'm 17 years old and me and my boyfriend shave been together for 4 years and i had a friend named Stephanie and we knew each other because we are on the same swimming team ,and she one day wanted o come with me and Luke to Panera bread and Luke said he was fine with it and while we were eating i said i needed to use the bathroom so on my way back from the bathroom i saw this lady coming towards me and she said aww, isn't that two cute i said that's my boyfriend ,that bitch!! so i pulled out my phone and i took picture of them , so when we dropped her of at home we were gonna go to Luke's house to watch a movie so i asked him do you love me, he said yes i would never cheat on you so fast forward 4 months i had a swim meet and he showed up and when i was changing into my uniform i caught them making out, i was like ,that slut she was like my best friend ,so after the swim meet he takes my out the gate and we sit on bench and puts his hand on my lap , and says i think we should see other people. i was like the fuck you mean, so then i was like ,you wanna see other people? and he was like your so cool with it , and then was like ya its all good and the next day i went to the wig shop and got my self a red ass Afro, and i went out and got the longest sharpest fake acrylic nails and i got my makeup done and put on this red ass lip stick and put these high ass heals on, went to his house, so when he opened the door and i said here is your new bitch, and he said what you mean, and i said that you said you wanted to see new people so you thought your ass was leaving , and the next day i went up to Stephanie and i punch that bitch so hard she flew into a pool and i was like so you were kissing all up on my man? and then she was like ya, what are you gonna do about it? And then i said wait till tonight and you'll see, so i went home and grabbed all Luke's stuff threw it in Stephanie's yard , grabbed some gasoline , lit that shit the fuck up, grabbed a rock, threw it at her window and a piece of paper and wrote here's all that bitches shit so the i got in the car ,took a picture , sent it to Luke and said i'm the badest bitch alive and don't you ever underestimate me.



November 26, 2016 @ (michigan)

Tags: #bitchthoughtwrong #tf #dontfuckwithmethewrongway

Hi everyone my name is Britney,
That bitch off a boyfriend had left me for a hoe she look like a pig and she dress like she rolled in a pill off dog shit didn't take a shower in 4 weeks and she lives in the trailer park i'm so disapointed in him he probably only wants her because she looks like a prostitute and i think she secretly works as stripper for money and, did i mention she try to were clothes that are like 5 sizes to small for her she try so hard and she don't even know how to put makeup on she was wearing neon green lipstick, yellow wig, and bright sparkling purple eyeshadow . so i saw that scank in fucking McDonalds and i fucking pushed that he so hard on the ground and her 3 bigmacs and 2 large fries on the ground and a apple pie. that shit went flying. That whale bitch so heavy son, and so i said are you the whore that slept with my man in my bed and she was like ya and so i went and picked up her apple fucking pie and and flung her weave from here to fucking Canada and crumbled the pie on the dry ass head. so then that week i went and learned how to shot a gun and acually got one too for a bitch who wanna fucking wit this bitch. but anyways i went to my ex's/my old apartment to get ll my stuff right? no, that whore was n my Tempur-pedic 1,000 dollar fucking bed . and that shit was so wet looking i said , bitch apparently you cum all the way fro Africa cause my bed is ruined. when i saw her ugly as i looked at her one more time and i said how you just gonna ruin my bad and she had the damn nerve to say that it was hers and you know what my ass fucking did was say get the fuck off my bad you have 3 seconds and she said no her ass not moving so my ass leaped across the room into that ed and i pulled put that gun that i was saving for that day she was begging me not to shot her she was on her knees and saying please don't shot me and i was like why shouldn't i, you took my man so instead of shooting her i took her to the park and made her like the entire sidewalk and then put a diaper on and sit in the middle of Walmart saying i'm a slut /hoe and i suck dick for living so i took her home and her ass was crying and so mad she started cussing at me so i slapped her so had i think that bitch flew to Africa. that bitch fucking thought she was gonna get away.



November 26, 2016 @ (michigan)

Tags: #bitchthoughtwrong #tf #dontfuckwithmethewrongway

Hi everyone my name is Britney,
That bitch off a boyfriend had left me for a hoe she look like a pig and she dress like she rolled in a pill off dog shit didn't take a shower in 4 weeks and she lives in the trailer park i'm so disapointed in him he probably only wants her because she looks like a prostitute and i think she secretly works as stripper for money and, did i mention she try to were clothes that are like 5 sizes to small for her she try so hard and she don't even know how to put makeup on she was wearing neon green lipstick, yellow wig, and bright sparkling purple eyeshadow . so i saw that scank in fucking McDonalds and i fucking pushed that he so hard on the ground and her 3 bigmacs and 2 large fries on the ground and a apple pie. that shit went flying. That whale bitch so heavy son, and so i said are you the whore that slept with my man in my bed and she was like ya and so i went and picked up her apple fucking pie and and flung her weave from here to fucking Canada and crumbled the pie on the dry ass head. so then that week i went and learned how to shot a gun and acually got one too for a bitch who wanna fucking wit this bitch. but anyways i went to my ex's/my old apartment to get ll my stuff right? no, that whore was n my Tempur-pedic 1,000 dollar fucking bed . and that shit was so wet looking i said , bitch apparently you cum all the way fro Africa cause my bed is ruined. when i saw her ugly as i looked at her one more time and i said how you just gonna ruin my bad and she had the damn nerve to say that it was hers and you know what my ass fucking did was say get the fuck off my bad you have 3 seconds and she said no her ass not moving so my ass leaped across the room into that ed and i pulled put that gun that i was saving for that day she was begging me not to shot her she was on her knees and saying please don't shot me and i was like why shouldn't i, you took my man so instead of shooting her i took her to the park and made her like the entire sidewalk and then put a diaper on and sit in the middle of Walmart saying i'm a slut /hoe and i suck dick for living so i took her home and her ass was crying and so mad she started cussing at me so i slapped her so had i think that bitch flew to Africa. that bitch fucking thought she was gonna get away.


Clare Bartlett

November 25, 2016 @ (CALIFONIA)

Tags: I\'m so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up WITH THE HELP OF Dr AHMED UTIMATE

Hi everyone!
I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from Califonia USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and takecare of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email: or call him 2348160153829


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