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1223 Results For 'b'


September 19, 2009 @ (Ohio)

Tags: life, breakup, ohio

I met Adam online. When we finally met in person a few months later, I fell in love with him. We dated for nine months. He was even my first. I thought things were going quite well, when he announced, out of the blue, that he was moving back to his hometown. I was sad, but I didn’t think we needed to break up because the town was only two hours away. When I said so, he confessed that he was moving home to get back with his ex. Then I found their wedding announcement online. The wedding date had already passed. He’d been married a month before he broke up with me!



September 18, 2009 @ (Texas)

Tags: life, texas, engaged

My ex and I were engaged, we lived together, and my children were very close to him. In the middle of the night last week, he up and leaves. He never came back. All of his worldly possessions are still in my home.


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