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July 23, 2018 @ (Egypt)

Tags: Bad breakup

We were in high school with each other and he was polite and i was his everything and he was mine too! after one year of dating and when it's time to go to college, in vacation he changed 180 degrees actually, he started not to answer my phone calls , he stopped asking me to go out like before, his talking tone changed and he didn't give a fuck whether i'm feeling good or bad as he was enjoying his vacation with his friends and we stopped talking gradually and this helped me a lot in taking the decision ,but we were goals to everyone .I don't know what do with the gift he bought to me! really people can change in a minute



July 12, 2018 @ (canada)

Tags: I broke up with him, he was to scared too

So, this may be boring but I broke up with him, he was trying to but was too scared to do so, we ended it a week before summer break, we both were so confused that we had started to "see" each other, we started doing the same things as before, but just without the commitment, we would spend most of our time with others,but when together acted as though we never broke up, it definitely stung we would fight and so on and yet we couldn't stop coming back to each other and know he tells me he loves me, even though that's why we broke up at the start. Moral of the story, do not keep going back, move on and start your own life.


Broken Hearted

July 07, 2018 @ (@ Arkansas )

Tags: Dumped By Text Message

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 4:45 PM Jennifer
Sorry if my story is kind of long but I want to tell the whole thing. February 22nd my fiance and basically the father of my four children (they viewed him that way for 6 years this July) passed away in my arms unexpectedly. Eight weeks ago I started dating a guy that knew my whole story and I knew that he had been separated from his wife for 6 months and that he said they were going to get a divorce soon. Things between us was great. We hit it right off. He was such a sweetheart. He would hold me when I would cry about my fiance passing away. He'd tell me to let it out so that I can begin to heal. He would come and see me usually once during the week, every weekend that he could


Lost 2015

July 04, 2018 @ (Colorado )

Tags: True love

Hello here is my story... i was with a man for close to two years and his past came in between us fast. He was in trouble with the law. He ended up getting two year's. I was there for him until his mom started blaming me for him Going go prison. He was in prison well before me on and out.and after we meet i was there for him.when he GOT OUT and his mom said either her or me. He went with his mom. I cant Blaine him for that she is old and you only have one mom and she is all alone. Months past i found someone else and he did as well. But mom never like anyone he went out with. She is still blaming me for his trouble and she will never get past that. Now he is heading back to prison due to his drug activity.. i had nothing to do with that. But she still hates me.. out of the blue he contacted me and i fell in love all over again. After we split i found me myself in a very abusive relationship Now that im out and away from that want my boyfriend back i know he is the only man i loved and want. But he is going back to prison and his mom still dont like me. I know it will work between us i know he still loves me. But the break up was not easy and a lot of hateful things were said. But i think we can get past all that if his mom will stay out of it. I love that man more then life himself. I found my true love after all....



June 27, 2018 @ (Kansas)

Tags: Cheating

She was amazing. I told myself that I wouldn’t date anyone for a long time and then she came into the picture. 6 months into our relationship I was put on probation and sent to a mental hospital and she cheated on me with out best friend. Then 3 months later cheated on me again. Somehow I thought that I could forgive her and we kept going for another year, only to find out that she lied to me for the last year and she was completely over me.



June 20, 2018 @ (surabaya)

Tags: #breakup

We break up just yesterday from our - 2yrs relationship. Yes we had problem, as for me, he never supply me enough attention.
He was very busy with his side jobs. Once its cease, he would be tired from his main job and went to sleep immediately so we cant talk too much.

This time he did went to bed, and I’m getting angry because of it. I told him something like “whatever, I don’t care anymore” and he get upset.
while in truth I just wanted he concern more about me.

We don’t talk for a week, and one day he decide to reach me. He said he wanted to meet up, wanted to say something.
He took me to a mart, and said that it doesn’t work out between us.

I don’t say anything, I just cried. And that’s what I still did up until now.
We’re office mate, and our relationship were in secret.. so I could tell this to no one..



May 25, 2018 @ (California )

Tags: Breakup

I told my man that I miss him and it would have been nice to see him that day since he was off early and I had the day off. He got upset saying that he’s being pulled in many different directions and that it’s never enough for me. He’s fighting a losing battle and can’t make me happy. Then he said the solution is to end it. He’s out.


Hayleigh Marie

May 07, 2018 @ (Maine)

Tags: Bad Break up

I have been dating this kid for 6 years I knew he was the one for me we both knew it. He use to tell me all the time that he was ready for are future we have been together for six years. He use to sing me "My Girl" by Dylan Scott I loved him more then anything but the problem was he was 14 I was 17 about to turn 18 and I was not ready to break up with him He was so amazing his kisses and eveything well one day I decied to go to his house to see are daughter yes we had a daughter and I found her locked in her room and then after I found him having a threesome with my best friends and then he said hey wanna join and I told him no then he asked me to marry him after my friends were told to leave and I said no and a few days later after we broke up he killed himself and wrote a note im sorry princess i never meant to hurt you i love you and im sorry,... I was devisted that my first love was gone R.I.P Ryan Miles Mccromack



April 01, 2018 @ (Arizona)

Tags: Bad breakup

We dated for over two years. The last six months of it was nothing but me trying to help her with her bad self esteem problems. I would do nothing but compliment her, give her gifts, listen to her problems... Everything I possibly could do to help her feel wanted. What did I get in return? Absolutely nothing, that's what. She constantly complained to me how she didn't feel loved or wanted, and she was constantly angry with me. At some point, I just felt like a husk. I felt like crap every day, I was never happy, and I was nervous to go home. On the last night, I completely shut down and told her that the relationship was over. She responded by threatening to kill herself. I had to call the cops on her, and the next day she was moved out. Fast forward 4 months, and I feel a whole lot better. The only problem is that we were moved in together with one of her friends, so she has had an excuse to come over as often as possible, and more recently she has started bringing her rebound over as well. I'm so sick of this, every time I see her in my home I have to be reminded of the absolute hell I went through. I just want her out of my life.



March 29, 2018 @ (aus)

Tags: bad breakup

he was handsome and his smile gave me the everlasting butterflies, dated for 2 months , he slept with another girl and never told me until i found their sex tape


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