Tags: bad breakup, Horrible person, worst girlfriend
I had been seeing this girl for a year and she refused to keep her legs closed. no matter what I tried, I trusted her like crazy, and she continued to abuse that, first was when we were several months in she went to go hang out with a friend, when I wanted to say hi she told me off and said that the guy still thought they were together and wanted toa void a scene, still trusting her, because that is how I thought relationships worked I let her have her way. she claimed the next day that she cheated on me with him, merely saying in a weak tone "well... I didn't want too..." when I got upset she went aroundt elling everybody who would listen that I was pissed at her for being raped. having been raped myself at a young age thi would never be the case. now my trust in her is shot because I know the rape thing is a straight out lie. I started keeping an eye on her facebook and skype to spot more evidence of cheating. and she hated this and defended herself by saying her sleeping with another guy is none of my business, despite my taking her in from what she claimed was an abusive family and dating her. she cheated on me a second time with another guy and after several days of thinking I forgave her once more. several months passed (to about the year mark) and she cheats on me again with the guy that 'raped' her. this time I have had it, I told her to pack up her stuff and leave. to which she did everything she could think of to stay, blocking the guy and showing me messeges about how she is refusing sex to him now and the like, so against my better judgement I let her stay, not a week later and she cheated on me again, I have had it at this point and kicked her out on the spot. that day she tried everytrick to get me to let her stay, from appealing tot he fact I cared about her to saying I couldn't make her go back to her 'abusive' family and every other manipulative thing you can think of. When that failed she flipped the switch and started bitching about everything, making me to be the bad guy to everyone who would listen, Saying it was my fault she gained weight because I put her on a certain diet (untrue) and that I expected her to be a servant and such. in reality she got to stay with me rent free I made sure she was fed everytime I went groceries (once a month) I would ask her if there was anything she wanted and I even got her a cat that she begged me for, spending several hundred in the process. I wasn't able to hang out with friends without her getting pissed and if I tried to see a female friend she would think I was cheating. but anyways, she is packing up her things she raided my kitchen, took everything she could fit into her bag and then took all of my dishes and every piece of cutlery she could find. leaving me with 2 plates and a bowl. when I confronted her about this alls he had to say was "oh they were mine" when I told her I couldn't eat now cause I had nothing to eat with she says "oh I left a fork for you under the couch" she even refused to give me back the key to my apartment, when her mom FINALLY stepped in to make her she decided to throw it onto the lawn as opposed to hand it to my outstretched hand. 2 months later and I haven't spoken to her since.
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