
October 19, 2009 @ (NJ)

Tags: nj

Found out the my ex of 2 years cheated on me for the entire first year. she tried to tell me that she hadn't cheated on me in the last year! What? Really? common... once a cheater always a cheater.



Comment on this breakup


January 15, 2010

it's not just that you didn't see warning signs,it's that you trusted her too much. not that you shouldn't trust but if she says she was somewhere check it out now and then o see if she's being they say on the cop shows "trust but verify"


chico rush

January 15, 2010

or maybe you just liked the taste of other guy's cum when you went down on her.



January 15, 2010

Really, are the warning signs that easy to put up on? i don't think so.


chico rush

January 15, 2010

she got away with cheating on you for a whole year and she's the stupid one?



October 21, 2009

i really had no clue.. she was good, stupid bitch!



October 21, 2009

wow, she cheated on you for a whole year and you didnt know about it? shame on you..