
October 28, 2012 @ (Maryland)

Tags: Love, Betrayal

I'm actually here to resubmit my video because I had to take it down once on YouTube. It's roughly an hour and a half. Basically what I will summarize here is that I opened my heart and home to a girl that would later end up leaving because she hated the location. I was always there for her when she needed me, but she wasn't when I needed her. She never had the proper parents to raise her. She moved in with me when she was 17 and stayed until a little after she turned 18 so it's an interesting story to follow. Her mom is a crook. She abandoned her child, didn't help us pay for her, and still had the nerve to claim IRS taxes on her. I can't stand the woman at all. I've always been a selfless person tending to other peoples needs over mine. I guess now I ask for people to watch my video and those that have been hurt like me to please give some form of advice.



Comment on this breakup


November 14, 2012



November 03, 2012

I will soon. I'm remaking the video. After certain events, instead of censoring things I left out that she said, I'm going to include them. It might take a week to make because it's a lot and I have college plus full time work hours.



November 02, 2012

Dude, post the vid again. I wanna hear your story.