I was dating this guy, and he was great. He was everything that i thought i ever needed. We fell in love, and we made so many plans that all sounded so great at the time. We had kind of a long distance thing going on, because he was two hours away. We didn't see eachother as much as i would have liked too. I want to be able to be with my boyfriend, and kiss him, and hug him, not just talk to him over the phone. Ya know? So i told him that. He asked me what i wanted to do, and i said i didnt know-when i clearly did. I wanted to break up until we could see eachother more often. As you can imagine, this was very hard for me to say. He was my world, and my everything. I loved him, and i guess i still do. but thats besides the point. He said he agreed, and it was the best for us. He promised we would talk everyday still, and he would always love me. I believed him. Which was dumb of me. Now, we bearly talk. It's like there's this empty space in me that just wont go away.. I miss him. Horribly. Things just arn't the same, and I wish they were. I probably brought it on myself, but.. he could have held up to what he said he would do.
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