Tags: ex
My ex... We been together for about 6 months or so. Turns to me and breaks up with me over the phone when I was the one to call him. Next day I found him registered on numerous dating sites and had active profiles a week or two before us breaking up.
He broke up with me a day before our 7 month anniversary and right before Valentines day. AND after my dad past away.
Now I find out he has a gf a month after and took her to a comedy show I got tickets for and paid in FULL.
I spent so much money and my time and he never gave me anything. I'm just OVER it
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i love it when the bitter lesbian feminist cunts start acusing people of being a pedophile when they don't agree with their opinions.or when bitches who've had one or two semesters of psyche courses start givin out flippant diagnosies like having" "isuses with women" or "mother" issues.what i's like to know from these rpoponents of free speech is who touched them in their panties to creat the issues they have with men
I would say I hate sped at the moment but 'hate' is a strong word. I just don't agree with what he said. I never expected him to buy me anything. I was never into material things. I don't want to sound mean but he didn't do a good job in upgrading haha. As for sex... uhhh he was a virgin. And I was his first ever gf.. Hmm. Enough said. And to the girls thanks for the support! Chico, thanks but I can't do that, only in America
Poor baby....smart guys ALWAYS break up before Valentine's day! If you have a girlfriend on V-day it costs a LOT of money. They expect gifts and to be wined and dined. So the best time to dump the baggage is before Valentine's day. The guy is smart. And being on a dating site before he dumped your ass makes him doubly smart. He was in your pants dumping his load while he was looking for an upgrade. So he got to take some time finding a new chick and not be pressured to make a quick decision just for sex -- he was getting all the sex he needed from you. So he found a better deal and moved on. You were used. I'm sure it happened to you before and will happen to you again.
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