
April 02, 2017 @ (Canada)

Tags: Betrayal

I was in a serious relationship when I was 18. My gf had a lot of guy friends. I didn't fully understand it but tried to accept it. One day her male friend (a few yrs older) invited her out for lunch with him and his business partner. Upon getting back my gf called me to tell me her friend's partner came onto her. Insisting that she dumps me as he will treat her like a real man. He has money, drives a bmw, etc. My gfsaid no and loves me more than anything. I commended her as this guy seemed like a jerk.

A week later my gf calls me out of the blue, telling me Im possessive and controlling and she doesnt want to be with me anymore. I was so dumbfounded. I plead with her, tried explaining myself only to be shot down and blamed for something else. She got off the phone and I was devasteted. I struggled for closure and anytime I reached out to her she would either ignore me or would callously blame my attempt for closure as being controlling.

In my last attempt I wrote her a heart-felt letter and delivered it to her home personally one night. I pulled upto her drive only to notice her standing there. I got out and said I just wanted to deliver her a letter and be on my way. She surprisingly was very spunky. "Hey! How are u? Im just waiting for my friend, we are going out for the night" after 2 min of small talk we hear a peeling out around the corner. Guess who comes ripping up the street? Yup....bmw. "my friend is here gotta go!" She got in the car and was gone.

Instant betrayal.



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