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127 Results For 'ah'


March 19, 2017 @ (Cambodia )

Tags: Break up

when I was 17 years old , i studied in grade 12 . Me and my best friends were created a fake facebook account to chat to each other for fun . We were young n like to do Sth weird . My fake facebook account named Sith . After created for a month . I stop playing it but a months later when I was so bored , so I logged in to that account again . I saw one message from a strange guy " hello , nice to be ur friend " since last 2 weeks . I replied him n we started chat . He was so friendly and cute . From day to day we chat without non stop . One day he told me that he is in love with a girl , should he confess or not ? I told him to be brave go ahead tell her how u felt she probably love u too . A moment letter I saw a message " I love you sith " . I felt so sad and shock . I don't know what to do . I crushed on him since the first week we chatted I know it was fast but I couldn't help it . I did not reply him n he said again " I give u time , it's okay just tell me when u can think of what u decide " . I started to think hard . A week later I decided to do this stupid things but only a week n I'll tell him everything . Then I told him I love him too . We were a couple that anyone could jealous . Even though we never see each other but the love was deeply hard . A week later I started to fall harder n harder so I promised myself only one more months . Time goes by n I can't let him go . One day he begging me to talked Skype but I always find excuse to lie him . Seven months later I told him everything n he said " I know since the 3rd months of our love " I was so shocked that he knew but didn't say anything until that day . Next week after I told him I saw he put in a Realtionship with other girl . I was so sad n he said it wasn't real she just need him to hurt her ex . N then he blocked me in Facebook until now . When I message him to ask the detail story . He said move on , stop thinking about me but he told me not to change phone number . It's 2 years now since we broke up but I still deeply in love with him. Love with him was the best one in my life .



February 22, 2017 @ (Covina, CA)

Tags: Worst break up ever

I fell in love with my best friend. He was a sweet and kind boy that loved to help people. And he loved me back. I knew he did because he treated me like I was special. He said things that no one who saw you as just a friend would say. 4 months of magical romance that everyone saw but we didn't want to admit was there. Finally one day we told each other how we felt and all our friends were so happy for us. I had never been happier in my life. We loved each other. At first it was cute puppy love, I guess you could say, but when my growing depression finally got ahead of me, we found out how much we truly loved each other. He cared for me unlike anyone I've known. The puppy love became a romance and passion that we had building up inside of us for months. We were completely in love with each other even if we both hated ourselves. We were each other's reasons for living. And I can't tell you how many times we were so close to giving up but saved each other. I'll never forget that day I wanted to kill myself and he told me that he loved me and I meant everything to him. That I changed his life for the better. That summer, 3 months after we first confessed to each other, was depressing because we missed each other dearly. School was the only time we got to see each other. Then one day I got my phone taken away. The only way I could contact him was through text. For 2 weeks I sometimes secretly went in my phone to text him. It was brief but those moments were everything to me. Then... 5 days after our 5 month anniversary, I got my phone back. I texted him happily and he replied. But he was depressed. I asked him why and he refused to tell me. I hadn't talked to him in 3 days at the time so anything could've happened. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he said.... "I think I'm gay..." I was in shock. And when he said he liked me as a friend, I wanted to throw my phone and just kill myself. I struggled to stay calm for his sake. If I showed how much it hurt, he would regret telling me even more. I told him I needed to be alone. I was in public, totally unprepared for any tragic news. But slowly as reality sunk in, I couldn't hold back against the tears that threatened to pour. I excused myself to the restroom where I cried so hard I couldn't breathe because I tried to stay quiet. I didn't feel anything but pain and sadness. For the next few weeks, he begged me to move on. He was extremely sad and was angry at himself for breaking my heart. He even said he wish had never said anything at all. But I would've found out one day. He wouldn't love me anymore and I would be able to tell. School started and we were friends who pretended we were fine. No one asked about our relationship. Only one person did but we ignored them. It's funny. A lot of people keep asking us if we are dating. No one asked when we actually were. He isn't the same anymore. He isn't positive anymore. He shuts down when he's sad and only talks to his therapist. He used to talk to me. I dont know what we are at the moment. Sometimes I see my boyfriend again in the way he looks at me. Sometimes I see my best friend. But sometimes I see my ex boyfriend, the broken shell of the person I once knew and loved. I still love him to this day.

If you ever hear about a break up where the boyfriend finds out he's gay and the girlfriend is sad, don't laugh. It sounds humorous, but when it becomes your reality and the thing that tears you apart everyday, you won't be laughing. In these cases, there's little to no chance of getting back together. And it hurts like hell.



February 02, 2017 @ (Atlanta)

Tags: Bad Breakup Terrible

So I met this beautiful woman at my job, we hit it off. Had fun she was exciting, I seriously felt like she was the one. Now about month number 3 we had an issue, my ex texted me one night. I didn’t even know it till the next morning, now I and my ex hadn’t talked for a while. We were still cordial with each other, and she knew my situation. So I was in the shower at the girlfriends’ house getting ready for work, and she knocks on the door to tell me I had a text. Now up until this point everything was wonderful, I look at the phone and my ex texted me that “I still love you goodnight”. Now the girlfriend went apeshit! Put my phone in the toilet, poured bleach on it got it out threw around the house. Hit me with a damn baseball bat and her fists, her damn dog was even attacking me. Now I know I should’ve bailed then, but we got back together. And we’re in our 30’s. Now there were several more incidents that happened that topped that incident. Okay now the breakup is batshit crazy! So about 3 weeks ago we were going to meet up at her house for dinner and to work out. Her mom was still in town after New Year’s. So I stay about 45 minutes away from her and we were supposed to get there around the same time. I got about 10 minutes away from her house and asked where she was at, she said she was coming from the mall with her girlfriends but she was driving. I told her that to let her mom now that I’m coming through the garage so she won’t be startled when I come in, she said okay. So I beat her to the house, as I’m getting my bags out of my truck she calls me. I answer and say where you are, she tells me that she’s been shot! I said SHOT BULLSHIT! She said someone had shot her on the freeway while she was driving and she wanted me to come to her before she died. NO shit this came out of her mouth. So I immediately get back in my truck and I’m gunning it, she’s still on the phone the entire time. I spot a cop by a gas station and pull over to him and tell him that my girl has been shot and she’s driving toward the exit. So we go get closer and I’m talking to her the entire time. Take it I am a former Army Combat Medic so immediately knew just by her talking and how cohesive she was I knew her airway and breathing were good, but it was the circulation I was worried about. She pulls up and Holy Fuk her car was shot up like Tupac’s! Holes everywhere! She left the hospital that night with 2 superficial wounds to the back of her head, blessed to be alive! I get to her house and she said she didn’t see anything, nothing no description nothing. Now I’m not a guy who lives outside of reality, so I asked did she owe somebody money, or was it another guy or something. She said no. Take it I couldn’t sleep when we got back to her house I already have PTSD and that shit triggered the hell out of me! So ii stayed up and read my Bible but something in my spirit told me to leave that house. I stayed with her that Sunday, cleaned her wounds even prayed with her. So I went home, and I have a busy schedule but I told her that I didn’t feel comfortable at her house, and that her and her mother can come lay low at my house for however long, even offered my truck. But something inside of me just told me to fall back, and I felt bad because I knew she had just been through some serious shit. But once my mom and friends found out about the incident they told me not to fuck with her! So for two days I stayed away, we still talked but she didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t there! So I knew she had another car at her house that runs, but it had been sitting up so long it had grime built on top of grime. So I take my pressure washer over there to clean it up so they wouldn’t be driving a car that looks like shit, ironically she wasn’t there at the time. But a white Tahoe pulls up by her mailbox and asks me do I live there. I said no i don’t, it pulls off. Couldn’t get a license plate number because of how her driveway sits. So I call her she said that I’m not there for her and that’s it, blocks me, no commo. Now if that aint grimey enough, the cops call me in, and question me as if I had something to do with the shit! I literally held my scarf to her head to stop the bleeding, but I feel like that was not a random act of violence. So yea I feel played like fuk! Crazy shit huh?


Anon Pls

December 18, 2016 @ (california)

Tags: bad break up, just ugh all sad

i mean i'm not entirely sure what we were. which is pretty sad but, i'll explain. so i met this guy at school a long time ago and we hardly talked at all, he was an upperclassmen anyway. :/ so towards the end of the year apparently he told me how he liked me for a while and he gave me his number which i was shocked because he doesn't even talk to me. I eventually let him into my walls which i'd built so protected and he was a sweet guy. He told me all about his past, and how he had a girl of two years dump him because of her snake friend. He was suicidal because of this and it took him a long time to recover, and how during that small time he would see me everyday he was amazed at how calm i looked and how i looked so mysterious because i never really talked to anyone. We talked everyday for a while there and one day i said how i loved him and he started crying tears of joy. I figured that he was a perfect guy and i wanted to be with him. We hung out over summer and one day when we were cuddling, we kissed and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes. Shortly after I left, a friend of his (who was a girl) got really pissed at him getting a girlfriend and forced him to dump me immediately. He listened to her and it was just really sucky. We were still talking like usual. Then a month later he finds out that his ex of two years got a boyfriend right after they broke up and that they were as happy as could be. He was heartbroken that he didn't get to even know (she blocked him on everything) and he disappeared for a while. He eventually came back and he was different. He tried flirting with me on a whole new level and wanted to have sex with me. It was just rediculous and i did let him do some things but not even close to letting him put himself in me. That was a no no. He was pretty pissed that i didn't want that and he would only talk to me for sex really. I stood up for myself one day and said "if you want me then ask me out." and he never did, proving to me that he was just using me. We share a class now (yeah he kind of taught me a lot school wise and i moved up to be able to take higher level classes) and i see him watch me sometimes, but he acts like he's never met me before


Emmanuel Scott

December 01, 2016 @ (USA)

Tags: Jennifer

Hi,my name is Jennifer Emmanuel Scott I live in USA I am very happy today with my family living in USA, My husband left me for good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back, I have tried so many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that introduced me to Dr Brown spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are now living happily together today,thanks to him,He is a great man,you can contact him via email email ( i will also say that if you have any problem like diseases,HIV,need lost love,or financial problem you can also contact him now. He Is a kind heated man who will help you with your problems okay .contact him on email (


Clare Bartlett

November 25, 2016 @ (CALIFONIA)

Tags: I\'m so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up WITH THE HELP OF Dr AHMED UTIMATE

Hi everyone!
I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from Califonia USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and takecare of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email: or call him 2348160153829



November 13, 2016 @ (Malaysia)

Tags: Bad breakup

English is not my first language so I hope you guys can overlook my errors. I honestly don't know where to start hahah. In my case, I was the one who screwed up. I screwed up BIG time. It's a little bit more complicated than that tho.. This girl, Dina is her name, she used to have a very serious ex issues when we were dating.. I guess you could say that i was her rebound.. Her ex did all sorts of horrible things to her as he was abusive asf. But Dina dated with that guy for like 4 years so she found it hard to move on and really get over him.. When we were still together, she'd still text her ex and they would fight over the phone and i'd just stand there doing nothing as i respect her decisions..I kept pushing her to just ignore that guy(in a good way) but Dina still have feelings for that son of a bitch and that she couldnt hurt him.. and she said she can handle it.. so i let 'her way of doing things' proceed only until i realized that she's developing some deep feelings of affection again towards her ex..when i wanted to take actions, she yelled at me.. we never yell at each other that point i knew it was already too late for me.. so i decided to send an offensive text to her ex and i did.. he got mad.. at Dina.. and Dina got mad at me.. which i deemed to be very unfair.. so me and Dina had a huge fight and we broke up by hating each other.. Soon after that i realized i have made a huge mistake.. the biggest mistake of my life.. i have lost the love of my life becase of my own ego and selfishness.. I mean, its not her fault to begin with.. her ex started it.. and Dina is just another weak and innocent girl.. she just wanted to help everyone.. i apologized to her.. MANY TIMES.. send her texts..letters.. but she wont return any of em.. and her bestfriend told me that she hates me so much right now.. the unfairness is real..



November 08, 2016 @ (Las Vegas )

Tags: Worst break up ever

So me and my boyfriend had been going out for 9 months straight he then dumped me on oct 31.... and then the next day went out with my best friends cousin.... and we were so close to a year I'm in high school we're soft mores and she's a senior..... so yeah it hurts like shit... I hope this makes you feel better girls or guys if something like this happened to you ....



November 06, 2016 @ ((Around))

Tags: Bad breakup, betrayal, BoysAreTurds

Okay so two years ago I met this guy and when I first met him I absolutely hated him. He was obnoxious and irritating and got under your skin on purpose!! UGH! But, as life would have it, our seating charts in classes started putting us close to each other, so we began talking. And he surprised me by not being as bad as I had thought. We ended up becoming best friends somehow and he kept me smiling. I quickly realized I had caught feelings for him (how, I have no idea. I hadn't imagined myself as one to fall for an arrogant, popular guy). And, well, soon we started dating. We grew closer and I knew I had fallen for him bad. But sometimes it was as if he knew but didn't even care. Some days he would just be a total jerk to me, or (yeah, even better) I would find him flirting with another girl. I brought up these things to him and we ended up getting in a big fight about it. In the end, he yelled "Maybe we should just break up!" and I said okay. and he said okay. And he's moved on since.



October 08, 2016 @ (India)

Tags: Sad, Guilty, Bad, Break up, His Once Baby

He was my 1 year senior friend. That night he said he liked me. Idk if I had feelings for him or not. But my best friend said that he's a really good guy and that I should approve his proposal. And yes, I did. But as I said I didn't know that if I had feelings for him that's why I didn't say romantic words as I know it's not good being superficial. But after 3 months I confessed that I truly loved him Yeah he waited those 3 months for me. All went quite good the next 3 months. I was his Baby/Babe/Bae/Love. He loved me a lot. But then something happened and he wanted to break up. I didn't want to force him so I agreed. But the next day he said that he can't leave me and again I agreed. Actually we never met face to face properly. After a few weeks after final exams he stopped talking to me but I called him and everything was back to normal. The next month he went thousand miles away from me to another state. He had asked me to call him everyday before he went. But after he went there he didn't text properly. Talked weird and like he didn't want to talk. As a result I didn't call or text him. After 3 months he texted me that he was missing me. Even I did so. That's why I accepted him. But nothing was normal. I felt awkward an all stuff. We had a fight. He did apologize but I was not cool at all. I replied rudely. So he said "let's break up". I replied Affirmative. But then I realized I can't do without him. I texted a long message with an I love you at the end. He said he was confused and that he would reply After Some days as his exams were approaching. Today he texted that he didn't know what I feel but wanted to be out of this totally. I agreed but bashed at him. Bombarded him with rude words and at last congratulated for his new girl. He thanked me. I thanked him For teaching me that all guys are the Same. He said "mention not'. And blocked me on all social networks.
That's how it all ended.
I wanna get over him now. But I feel bad that I talked that rudely.


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