Michael Nalder

October 15, 2024 @ (Ellesmere Port UK)

Tags: Bad break up

My ex said she was unhappy, wanted me to leave, proceeded to make life as difficult for me as she could so is leave, she promised she wasn’t seeing anyone, interested in seeing anyone and I could visit the house and kids whenever I wanted to get me to sign over tenancy, I did stupidly and 2 days later she had another man in the house under the same roof as my three young kids, 1 boy, 2 girls. She met him 6 days after we split she says, she took the kids and claims that’s the first time they met. She sees absolutely nothing wrong with introducing a new man to three kids aged 7,4 and 2 while there dad lived in the house and had him stay 2 weeks later, my kids were sick few weeks later I visited the house like she said I could and was told to go away and nobody opened the door she rang the police as I messaged her outside the house asking to see the kids for 5 mins, the police warned me this is harassment and to not contact her at all again. My son 7 told me that my daughters been getting in bed with her new man in it and that they have to sleep on his couch every weekend so she can sleep with him, I messaged her (she had been messaging me in the meantime, ok for her to contact me) she refused to answer, responded by getting mad at me, I had no choice but to inform social services to ensure my kids were ok, she messages me and kicks off thinking it was a personal attack on her and labelling her a bad mother
Time goes by and she eventually starts contacting me again and I try to be nice, she doesn’t tell me about my son is in a school play and parents can go, I have my son asking why I wasn’t there and he also said her new man was. I messaged and said I wasnt happy and didn’t want him to be at these things. He has his own kids and he can go see them, few weeks later my daughter tells me she’s in a school play and ask em to go, I say yes and ask her if her mums boyfriend is going she says no she wants daddy there, I turn up at the school to see my ex and her bf near the school gates, standing either side of the path so I’d have to walk through them, I don’t do anything and walk past, I queue up and text her to say I’m here and ask for her not to bring him inside. They wait until last minute to come inside and sit near the door, soon as the plays finished they leave quickly and run to the car, I try ringing her to ask why she’s just disrespected me like that and she doesn’t answer, I message and she lies saying my daughter wanted him there, as I was typing she text stop and I didn’t see it, I sent another text and she ignored it, the next morning I was arrested for harassment and locked up for 6 hours and told to accept a caution as technically it’s breaking the law, sending 2 messages after someone says stop. The next day she texts my dad saying that she won’t take her new bf again and she gives a list of upcoming events involving the kids, a week later she’s messaging me again. She never blocked my number despite being “harassed” I asked her why she did it and she told me that she did it on purpose because I said I was going for custody of the kids, I sent the messages to the police who said there’s nothing wrong and she was telling the truth when she made the complaint so that’s it, it’s been 14 months and I moved away for work but go back and see the children and we both went to parents evening together and were ok.she was having problems with her bf and about to break up,
I told her I didn’t care about everything that happened and have her the opportunity to be a family again, she refused but never definite and over a few weeks I’ve been trying to talk to her and her to open up and just be honest, she literally never answers any questions I ask, skirts round the subject and eventually if had enough. Asked her outright and she didn’t want to answer, I wasn’t happy and then messaged her the whole story like this and she just gets mad at me for being mad at what she’s done, she won’t admit any wrongdoing, she gets angry at me for hurting her feelings, not seeing it from her point of view and will not take any responsibility for her actions, now I’ve given up forever of being able to live with my kids, and her being sorry or showing any kind of sympathy, I can’t understand why she thinks she’s done nothing wrong and won’t be held accountable and that’s all I want so I’m posting this here.
By the way 9 years together, never hurt her, cheated or did anything whatsoever to her
Was her carer for 5 years due to her Chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety, she gets better and leaves ??????? all she has to do was talk and be open and honest and I’d have accepted that.



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