
January 07, 2010 @ (Colorado)

Tags: dummy, drunk, cheater

When I was a Junior in college, I thought like couldn't get better! I was studying to be a volcanologist in Colorado, I worked part time as a tour guide in the fossils department in the local museum and volunteered at the public library. I was so happy. Then I met HIM. I was salting the side walks of the library in the middle of winter when a man wearing all black walked up to the library doors. All of sudden, he slipped on a thin, sheet of ice, falling flat on his bottom. I hurried over to help him up and I swear, the moment I looked into his eyes, I fell hard. Now I'm not the one to believe in love at first sight, but this man was an exception. He was at the library to meet his girlfriend. Yup, a bit of a dissapointment... But to my surprise, they broke up that day in the library. Since then, he would visit the library whenever I was there and we became close friends. So like fell into love and we were almost inseperable. We dated for about two years. We went through everything together. He was the lead singer in a band and I fulfilled my dream of being able to work with volcanoes. Yeah, I left some to go to different countries, but we were head over heels in love. Then one day, I came back from a trip and caught him in front of MY apartment making out with some redhead. I was FURIOUS! He tried talking to me and telling what all I'VE done wrong. He even said that I DON'T CRY. I said "Oh yeah? Well, boo fucking hoo, jerk." And pushed him out the door.



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