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4 Results For 'dummy'


September 05, 2014 @ (California )

Tags: Sad breakup

It was my Junior year of high school and his sophomore year, we met through an activity that we loved greatly. At first I didn't really notice him until one day he came up to me and randomly asked for my was the first time that ever happened to me. He was cute but I didn't think anything of it since I was caught up with another boy who was a complete asshole in the end (dummy). So we became good friends, but eventually he'd fall in love with me but I wasn't sure if I wanted a boyfriend. Well senior year started and we went on a trip, we ended up holding hands randomly, I started to realize that he was someone I wanted to be with and I was ready to invest myself into someone. That night we shared an amazing kiss under the stars and our friends actually clapped with joy. We were together for 7 months, never argued, we were happy, so happy that I actually believed he was the one. He was my best friend, my happiness. Well once I graduated he started putting space between us, I began to be very depressed. After a few weeks he didn't think it would work. I told him we could make it work but he chose the easy way out and let me go. It pains me that he didn't want to go into this new chapter in my life with me because he promised he'd never leave. I'm still grieving after 3 long months, hopefully I can be happy again but only time heals wounds.



November 30, 2013 @ (lee)

Tags: sorr

So I met this guys who seemed like everything I had been looking for, I.had been single for 1.5 years after leaving my childs abusive father.. and I was finally ready to start dating again so I gave it a shot he asked me out at a halloween party and things were SO grrat things kind of moved fast but I just knee he was someone I could see myself with, so like a big dummy I moved him on into my life and let him meet my child. He was the first one to ever meet him. My kid feel in love as I also started to. He then started to get shady and act like he was pulling away from me.. after all the I love yous



February 20, 2011 @ (Texas)

Tags: cold breakup

I'm a member of a singles group, a dating agency, basically, and while this was not the most hurtful breakup, it was a pretty cold one. After a month of really great dates and lots of encouragement (from her) for more of the same, the day before a dinner/dance event she slammed me with the revelation of another guy. I absolutely didn't see this coming. Not that we were exclusive, but every bit of feedback I was getting suggested she was focused only on us.

So she called me and in a very business-like way, proceeded to explain that, “The program is set up so you can date other people…” There were no kind softeners. No, “I really like you, but…”; no, “I’ve had a great time with you, but…”; nothing, nada, zip. Just, here are the rules and I followed them.

Then, twice she said, “I wanted to call you myself and let you know, so you didn’t hear it from someone at the group.” Excuse me? What half-mature adult wouldn't call personally to break off a relationship? Newsflash: there's nothing righteous about doing something that's simply responsible. The entire breakup felt like the severing of a business relationship, which makes sense, because she's a corporate officer.

Finally, I wrote her a follow-up e-mail, in which I thanked her for letting me know about this personally (dummy!), and wished her love and happiness. She never replied. Wouldn’t one at least respond in kind, if only briefly? Example: “Dear (you), I wish you love and happiness, too.”

Oh well. The Zen master teaches to disapprove of the action, but not of the actor. Perhaps, but if she becomes available again, I don't have to date her.



January 07, 2010 @ (Colorado)

Tags: dummy, drunk, cheater

When I was a Junior in college, I thought like couldn't get better! I was studying to be a volcanologist in Colorado, I worked part time as a tour guide in the fossils department in the local museum and volunteered at the public library. I was so happy. Then I met HIM. I was salting the side walks of the library in the middle of winter when a man wearing all black walked up to the library doors. All of sudden, he slipped on a thin, sheet of ice, falling flat on his bottom. I hurried over to help him up and I swear, the moment I looked into his eyes, I fell hard. Now I'm not the one to believe in love at first sight, but this man was an exception. He was at the library to meet his girlfriend. Yup, a bit of a dissapointment... But to my surprise, they broke up that day in the library. Since then, he would visit the library whenever I was there and we became close friends. So like fell into love and we were almost inseperable. We dated for about two years. We went through everything together. He was the lead singer in a band and I fulfilled my dream of being able to work with volcanoes. Yeah, I left some to go to different countries, but we were head over heels in love. Then one day, I came back from a trip and caught him in front of MY apartment making out with some redhead. I was FURIOUS! He tried talking to me and telling what all I'VE done wrong. He even said that I DON'T CRY. I said "Oh yeah? Well, boo fucking hoo, jerk." And pushed him out the door.