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7 Results For 'vegas'


June 12, 2017 @ (Las Vegas )

Tags: Bad breakup

I just got dumped 3 days ago by the love of my life. It was long distance for one year, we broke up 5 days after our one year anniversary. I'm still hurt, He broke up with me because he was tired of long distance and doesn't love me anymore. Everything was perfect until last September when I cheated on him by sending nudes to another guy. Other than that I've been faithful and wish I hadn't been so stupid. He took me back but it wasn't the same, he stopped being that sweet guy I fell in love with. He lives in Florida and I moved to Las Vegas a month ago. I miss him so much, I want to tehe'll him how much I love him and how I'm still willing to make it work. I'm moving to Florida in the next year so I believe we will see each other again but I doubt he'll still want me.


Broken (part 3)

April 21, 2015 @ (toronto)

Tags: bad breakup

He says she has made his life a living hell and he wants to get out. I say whatever makes you happy and he gives me this smile that makes my heart stop. I lie to him and say i don't have a boyfriend. I go out of my apartment and call him. I say he's here. He says great now go and have fun i love you. I do too i say and don't mean it. Because all of a sudden i realize no other amount of love will ever come as close as the way i love him. I finally realize when people say if its love you will know. I don't care that he has two kids, i don't care that his wife is a bitch, i don't care that he has so much baggage that he literally is the baggage claim. I care about none of it. Because when i am with him i need nothing. The world without him means nothing. And what is a world without nothing to live for? So we go on vacation. We leave the country and go away. At first we are friend and nothing else. It starts with silly jokes, past memories, the brush of his hands against mine, the way he accidentally touches me, the way he pokes me when he thinks i am not listening. Then before you know it you're both falling madly in love. I had already been in love but this time its his turn to feel what i feel. And he does. He feels it with a passion i did not see coming. Then the planning of the future comes. He promises me a grand wedding, the telling of our families, the happiness our fathers would feel at the news. We talk about how we would raise his kids and whether i should learn how to cook healthy options. He leaves and i cry at the airport. I break up with my boyfriend and forget all about him. As if he never existed. I stay up until 4 am everyday so i can be on his time. I sleep all day and am up all nigh. He's worth it i say. I get too tired to go to work, too tired to go out with friends he's all i think of. He calls he says its over the divorce is final and he will send me a ticket to vista him after january (2015). I cry whether its from joy or the foreshadowing of our future i can't tell. I quit my job, i sell the few things i owe, i pack my life up and go to vegas with my best friends and he hits Paris with his. I am on the phone with him on new years i say happy new years love of my life. He says happy new years my soul but i have to go now my guy friends are waiting for me. I feel a pang of something a flutter of wrongness but i ignore it and keep on dousing champagne. I smile and think to myself this year is going to be great.



September 12, 2010 @ (WestCoast)

Tags: Tags

My girlfriend of 9 years broke up with me to be with an old high school friend. The sad part is that I have a feeling that they will eventually get married within the next year or so. I’m absolutely crushed like never before. We’ve had our share of problems throughout our relationship and unfortunately it’s mostly my fault. I feel so stupid for taking her for granted.

We met in college back in 2001 and it started out as the most beautiful thing in this world that either of experienced. We were soul mates and were certain that we’d be together forever. It was like we were two peas in a pod, amongst a campus full of strangers and were very happy we found one another. It didn’t take us but 6 months to move in together we were so in love. However, after graduating college, I struggled for years, and was depressed even, to find a job. She supported us for most of our relationship as she was blessed with a wonderful career as an exceptional community organizer, which she now serves as the executive director of her organization. Me on the other hand, struggled immensely to find my passion, and had several dead end low paying jobs.. This was emotionally hard on me, and most certainly on her. However, we would make the best of our situation by taking various trips around the country and enjoying the natural bond we had for one another. We didn’t have to take trips really we enjoyed staying home together, whether we were intimately conversing about any topic or making passionate love. However, my career struggles took a severe toll on our relationship. I even went through a period of alcohol abuse, which lasted a couple of years. Eventually, after 4 great years she began to loose interest in me, and cheated on me a few times. Although I was obviously crushed, I took her back because I loved her so so much and believed we could work through anything, plus I always envisioned her as the mother of my kids. Fast forward to January 2008, I eventually found a job which pays great and I absolutely love-- finally I’m able to support us and feel good about myself in that regard. We celebrated the entire 2008 in the name of my success and life seemed golden--finally my career struggle was over! Unfortunately I started to drink again and lied several times about it and thus undermining any trust left. At that time, she started to give me warnings that I had to stop or else she’d leave. Fortunately I finally stopped, but we would still argue. She also began to voice, starting in mid-June of this year, that she was growing unsatisfied in our relationship and that we needed to talk. I unfortunately kept prolonging “the talk” and became slightly tuned out every time she said it. Beginning of August I noticed she started to act suspect: she seemed to pay more attention to sending text messages on her smart phone than being in my company. So, I naturally had a hunch something was wrong, so I checked her work email and noticed she made reservations at hotel to be with some random guy, the weekend I was going out of town visit college friends in LasVegas. To make a long painful story short, I confronted her about it over the phone while she was at work, she became shell-shocked that I found out and started crying. We hang up and she eventually came home from work. The first thing she said was we should break up… and that I should‘ve talked to her but now it‘s too late we have to break up. I’m begging and pleading for her to get her to change her mind, and that we should talk now, but she insisted we should break up. The next day I go to work, come back home and she’s gone. I call her and she said we shouldn’t be around each other anymore and one of us needs to move out. Now I’m in further disbelief and shock. What follows after that is even more painful drama, trauma rather, and would take another 500 words or so to explain but I‘ll save the detail--it’s bad.. In short, she’s been at a friends house for the past 3 weeks looking for a place and blocked my number from her cell phone, it turns out this random guy is an old high school friend and they are in a intimate partnership. She even hinted that they are talking about marriage. Meanwhile I’ve been alone in our old apartment reminiscing, broken-hearted but refusing to let go, looking at old pictures and her belongings, under an unbearable amount of sorrow, loss of appetite and motivation, deteriorating self-esteem and ego. I’ve been reading passages from Psalms to make it through the day. My life feels like it’s over.



March 16, 2010 @ (Tacoma, WA)

Tags: Me, , Jerk

Was dating this guy for a few months.. he kept doing some shady BS and I was tired of putting up with it. So I decided last week to finally end things... We talked about it a couple times actually, but on wednesday it was official. Now begins the text messages...
Me: No. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry..
Jerk: okay. I had gf whole time. I knew you were a fling
Me: Did you really have a gf the whole time?
Jerk: It's over. No need to talk. bye
Jerk: Deleting your number. Outta sight outta mind
Jerk: u can't hurt me anymore
Jerk: one day you love me, next you can't do it anymore.. first time thats happened
Jerk: you'll never know.. cuz we done. cuz u are unrealistic.. and its spring time.. aka playa season. i only date during the winter
Jerk: You were fun... thanks :)
Me: Likewise (My last message to the jerk) Wed morning
Jerk: What about one last fuck
Jerk: My last comment to u is.. a bitch is always last to get fucked. sorry it didnt work.. I almost gave up my gf for u. so glad I didnt

Ok.. those were all Wednesday morning.. then at 6:30pm he sends this...
Jerk: I miss u. i'm addicted
Then at 10pm
Jerk: Goodnight Lexi
Then the next morning he actually tried calling me. Then more text messages
Jerk: Are we not friends anymore?
Jerk: Wow. I guess I'll never hear from you again. couldn't give up girlfriend. she is hella rich. and Im going on 3 vacations Vegas Hawaii and she gave me money also towards new york. I like u. I'm sorry i couldn't give you 100% of me. u need a sugar daddy and cool dude to fuck on side. fuck a relationship. get this money
On Friday morning he tried calling again.. then more text messages
Jerk: I need to hear your voice
Jerk: can we talk
Jerk: I'm coming over to talk to you (I left for work at this time, I dont think he ever showed up)
Jerk: I can't live without you Lexi. I love you more than anything
Jerk: remember i'm the cereal, you're the milk
Jerk: you weren't a fling. u are my soulmate
Jerk: I haven't been able to eat since we broke up. I am sick... love sick
Jerk: one last talk, I need that
Then that night.. he sends me a picture message with his photo.. saying..
Jerk: miss you
Jerk: These other bitches dont do it for me. I need u

Then I heard nothing all weekend so I thought maybe he was actually going to stop contacting me. But I was wrong. Monday morning...
Jerk: without you i'm lost. talk to me
Jerk: or do i gotta show up at your work just to see you again
Jerk: this sucks. all these other girls wanna kick it, but i dont. I want my LEXI BACK!!!

It's weird how crazy someone can be once you break up.. Or at least that's when you finally realize it. I've been ignoring him since last wednesday morning. If he continues contacting me I'll post an update...



October 13, 2009 @ (California)

Tags: cheating, whore

I was dating a girl for about 3 years, and one night we go out to a fantastic bar with a poker buddy of mine whom I had known for about 2 years. Being young and at a bar, we get totally shitfaced, and head back to the hotel (too far to take a cab home). After continuing to drink for another couple of hours, I discover that the insides of my stomach have decided to make a break for it, and that I need to lie down and pass out.

I wake up 30 minutes later to breath on my ear and the sound of moans. It seems my girl is on the bed behind me (bonus, there are 2 beds in the room), and my "friend" is behind her, with one hand down her pants and one hand up her shirt. I decide to wait a bit, to see where this is going (and to prevent excuses later). After about 15 minutes, I hear whispering, which I can only assume is something like "Let's move to the other bed so we can fuck without waking him". At this point I alert them to the fact that I am awake and have been for some time, that they're both dead to me, I'm moving to Vegas the next day, and then I get dressed to catch the aforementioned cab (the one that was too expensive).

She starts crying, and this guy, this...unbelievable asshole, starts trying to play the mediator, "She's a good girl, she doesn't deserve this" and the like. I tell him to shut his fucking mouth, and proceed to walk to the elevator. He chooses to physically bar my way, and even grabs me by the arm to prevent me from leaving. I calmly inform him that if he doesn't let me go, I'm going to knock him the fuck out. He doesn't take me seriously. Now...I'm not a violent guy...but looking at the expression of "come on guy" on this bastards face snapped something in me, and I dropped him like the sack of shit he is and leave.

The thing about this that really irked me is this:
Really? REALLY? You're going to wait until I'm sick with liquor, and THEN betray me at my weakest? Contemptible.

Vegas is nice.




October 12, 2009 @ (vegas)

Tags: vegas

i woke up to this today... "Sorry i was going to call, but didn't want to. It's over. have a good day"

thats what i get after 8 months of dating. my blood is boiling



September 28, 2009 @ (atown)

Tags: atown

My boyfriend of 1.5 years broke up with me around midnight last night. I had this huge vegas trip planned for a lil getaway. I am completely in love with him and he is world. He doesn't feel the same for me, now =(. So, I have everything booked and paid for... just got the confirmation email about an hour ago.


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