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556 Results For 'know'


October 14, 2010 @ (Santa Cruz, CA)

Tags: Marines, Texts, heroin

I started dating this guy right before he left for Marine Corps bootcamp. We wrote letters back and forth, and when he got home it was absolute bliss, we were both in love. So he finishes his training, during which he flies me out to NC from CA just to see me for 3 days. He tells me about his most recent ex, and old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for years, who he broke up with because she was addicted to heroin. So sad, he just wanted to let me know she called him from rehab, apologizing for making him dump her because she chose the drugs over him. Just so you know...
Fast forward several weeks, he's back home, were still in love, he wants me to move to SD with him, but Im going to school in SC so it couldnt work out. But I spend the weekend with him, roll out of bed on Monday to go to class, we each say I love you...

...Apparently they got married while I was at school.
...While we were still dating.
...Before he broke up with me over a text message.
...And his MOM told me.

Ya. A motherfucking Marine. Thats honor, courage and commitment if I ever saw it.



October 12, 2010 @ (Va)

Tags: hurt cry

I'm not going to sit here and explain this whole breakup cause its still so fresh so itd make me tear and also he screwed me over WAY too much for me to try to put it in words know what really hurts you you can go through your day and not in your room all alone and not about ur ex to ur friends and get sad but not tear..heck you can even go to sleep @ night and get really upset and MAYBE shed a few tears..but this is what hurts me...when I wake up in the morning for school..around 6:45 and its all dark in my room im laying in the bed where my ex use to is quiet..and im just laying there in the dark..THATS when it hits me..and thats when I break down and cry my eyes out...



October 03, 2010 @ (wisconsin)

Tags: example1, example2

I was dating this guy, and he was great. He was everything that i thought i ever needed. We fell in love, and we made so many plans that all sounded so great at the time. We had kind of a long distance thing going on, because he was two hours away. We didn't see eachother as much as i would have liked too. I want to be able to be with my boyfriend, and kiss him, and hug him, not just talk to him over the phone. Ya know? So i told him that. He asked me what i wanted to do, and i said i didnt know-when i clearly did. I wanted to break up until we could see eachother more often. As you can imagine, this was very hard for me to say. He was my world, and my everything. I loved him, and i guess i still do. but thats besides the point. He said he agreed, and it was the best for us. He promised we would talk everyday still, and he would always love me. I believed him. Which was dumb of me. Now, we bearly talk. It's like there's this empty space in me that just wont go away.. I miss him. Horribly. Things just arn't the same, and I wish they were. I probably brought it on myself, but.. he could have held up to what he said he would do.


Mac Mulla

September 28, 2010 @ (San Diego)

Tags: Cheating, Pregnancy, BreakUp

Me And My Girlfriend Have Now Been Knowing Each Other For 5 Years, We Met Back In 05' She Was "Wife Material" I Had Made It Clear On How I Felt About Her. However At The Time Gang Violence Was At A High In My Neighborhood So My Family Moved Me To Atlanta(The Other Side Of The U.S.). With Such Distance Between Us The Relationship Weakened And We Broke Up. Seeing How I Was Only 16 And She Was 18 You Would Figure. A Month Later I Called Her And She Was Pregnant, I Was Soo Hurt That This Girl I Stayed Faithful To, Had Moved On So Fast With Such A Big Step. . .Last Year I Moved Back Here To San Diego 09' We Seen Eachother, Messed Around, Had A Baby! It Seems We Have Grown Alot Since 16-18 were 23-22 "Her Bdays Next Month" But Since The Feeling Of Being Betrayed By The First Birth Of My Girlfriend I Find It Hard To Fully Trust Her. Around Friends, Family, Her-Friends I Might Not Noe About Pratically Any Opposit. Im Saying When I was 15-16 Everyone Was A Big Player And Pimping And Carrying On, I Was Too, But I Put All That Aside For This Lady Who Now Has My Baby And All It Took Was On Month Of Absence And She HAd A Child WIth Another Man! How Can I GEt Past That? (She Also Had Sex With A Close Relative)



September 21, 2010 @ (otown)

Tags: huh

ok sooo me and my boyfriend were together for three and a half years. he cheated on me once within that time period and i truly felt like i had gotten over that, but apparently i guess i didnt. i would find myself looking thru his fone and lookin at the phone bill to see if anything looked suspicious. looking back on that i kno i was wrong. if i trusted him i wouldnt have felt the need to do all that. but anyway i noticed a number comin up on our bill like crazy so i asked him whos number it was and he told me the name of a girl that like fucked everyone and their cousin in orlando. and shes known for sucking dick. wellll after that he tells me he can no longer be with me because i dont trust him and he cant trust himself. he doesnt ever want to hurt me and he thinks us being a part is the best medicine. jus like that after 3 years? wow i seriously think he jus wants to have sex with this hoe. who probably has NO walls.



September 19, 2010 @ (AZ)

Tags: breakup

Well, I was going out with a beautiful girl for a little under 2 years. Both of us were madly in love and all that stuff that goes along with it. We did everything together, always had a good time, knew everything there was to know about eachother, etc. It went great for the first year and a half besides some fights here and there. After that it went down hill. Our relationship started getting shaky. She tried everything possible to keep us together, and I gave it my all, too. To sum up 5 months of emotional pain and self evaluation, I fell out of love with her. I felt horrible and it showed, but I couldnt tell her why. Eventually I couldnt bear it anymore and broke up with her. I broke her heart and she went into depression and all her friends hated my guts including her. I really wish it didnt have to end that way. She wont talk to me and hasnt since then. If only she could be friends with me.. Our romantic relationship will never pick up again, but I would do anything to be her friend again.



September 17, 2010 @ (Clarksville)

Tags: Love Sucks

well it started about a month ago i was dating this guy who i figured was dating me becuase he wanted sex but i convinced myself if really did love me. he had given me deadlines if when we should have sex but i continued to tell him that i didn't know if i was ready to have sex again. so he keep telling me i should go get my sexual needs satisfied. i kept telling him that it would be wrong for me to do that since i was dating him but he said it was ok as long as i was happy. i never did it so he got off the subject. then yesterday all of a sudden he wanted to have sex with me but i turned him down and he broke up with me. today he texted me and was acting like nothing happened so i got alittle anger. then he told me the only reason he broke up with me because i didn't have sex with him. i think i might have really loved him bit he won't have me because i won't have sex.


Karma !!

September 16, 2010 @ (glendvielle)

Tags: example2

ight my story started about a month when i got back from college for the summer me and my girl was very happy together and we been dating for about 2 years and some months. i can honestly say we were in love because we texted each other everyday and we was always together when i was home, she slept over my house biscially everynight and i try doing little things for her jus to make her happy. but everything went down hill when she negin to hang out with certian friends and some dudes that didnt like me and they was puttinq lots of bullshit in her head about me biscally telling her i was cheating on her and all tht. and unfortunaly she believed them and not trusting me she up and left me one day over a text message i was very hurt becuz she was my everything and she jus up and left me after everything i gived up for her. also she supposely left me becuse her friends and fam thought she made a cute couple with some other kid i cried over her for days calling and texting her but she ignore my phone calls and even changed her number on me i tried my best to get over her but couldnt.. months went by and now im back at school a new man with a bright future ahead of me, and suddenly one day she text me saying she made a mistake and she regret ever leaving me & i felt bad becuz i really love her and i still had some feelins for her but when i sat down a thought about everything she had put me through crying over her and all tht i decided to stand my ground and not fall for her again so i simply told her that i was all set & tht im focusing on school but we could be friends and she agreed but she was really sad another month went by and ive found someone else who makes me happy and when im with this person i dont even think of her!! i spoke to couple of my friends from back home and they said she found out about me and this other girl and she's going crazy knowing i no longer care about her she calls me everything and hangs up wen i pick up she constantly text me saying she loves me and asking me would i ever come bakk to her but i dont respond becuz i believe when one dooor close jus ask god cuz theres always another one open for you !! NOW LOOK AT HER PATHETIC GURL LMAO



September 01, 2010 @ (nepal)

Tags: guy, girl

This happened like a week ago..
i am 16
My boyfriend though was of my same age had failed and so i was labelled as a senior...
he liked me.. and later things went on and we felt in love with each other...
he was possessive about me an over possessive one..
He had problem with everything i did.. He didnt like it when i talked to guys..
things were smooth when suddenly one day his parents decided to send him to india for his further studies...we thought we could cope up...he went...he'd cried before he left...
things were fine...
he used to mail me once in a blue because his scool was a strict one...
and then it happened.. they had their first weekend after 50 days...
3 days of being free and i thought he would call me and we would have a nice time ..
but then later found out that his dad had been there and they were persuading him to break up with me... for once i and his mother had met and i dont know how.. some people said stuffs like she's not a nice girl she has links with soo many boys to his parents...
he called me up told me none of his family members like me.. and his father wanted him to change his password...
laster he did change his password i felt bad,,,
the last day before he could return to his hostel.. we both talked online...
and we were okay.. suddenly he just stood up away from the cam and i could just hear his voice in the phone"bitch all you know is how to be horny you think i wanna see your face ever again.. you'll soon be a graduate and i just a pass-out we have no future "
how could he do that to me... when i am soo in love with him just because his parents wanted him to...
we've had sex for about eight times and when i asked him about that he was like people will call u a cheap girl if they find out where did we had sex...
how could he??
will he come back??
i want him to come back...
i have this hope in within that he still loves me and is doing this just under his parents' pressure what do i do ????



August 22, 2010 @ (Canada)

Tags: Phone Break-Up, Pregnant... Not

Ok, so basically I spent the better part of 2 years with this girl that was REALLY hard to get because we were really only dating for 4 1/2 months of that time span... So anyways it started out great, then the sex was gradually added on... But she has an extreme anxiety disorder about a lot of things, one of which include dating (don't as me why, everyone says she's a nutjob for having this)... So she was having all of this attack and stuff because she was late... Now I do not know what she's she scared about, I NEVER came inside... In fact she wasn't even that good in bed so there really shouldn't have been this problem... But no, she starts isolating herself and making me really frustrated because I wanted to badly see her (I was on a co-op placement, so I was away from school for 4 days a week) but she wouldn't allow me... So then she had her period, and I thought everything would be back to normal but then she suddenly said that she didn't feel the same anymore, blah blah blah and broke up with me over the phone... I was shocked so I tried other ways to contact her but I was blocked, so I did some more drastic things and her sister stepped in and everything became a huge mess... Now I really resent her for everything she put me through and for not giving me closure, and it looks like Karma already did its job because she lost ALL of her friends after hearing what she did to me