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401 Results For 'breakup'


September 17, 2013 @ (London)

Tags: bad breakup

Went over to my girlfriends house early this morning to bring her coffee and flowers. As we were talking there was a knock on the door, she didn't want to answer it. I went and opened the door to a man with all wrinkled clothes. He seemed a bit weird, and then he said he left his phone. She had to breakup the fight that almost occurred between us. I've never had such a terrible break up story. I thought she could have ben the one too. I guess there are no good ones out there anymore. Maybe there are, but I can't find them.

Can you top this story?



June 18, 2013 @ (Tampa, FL)

Tags: bad breakup

so I found out the my now, EX, girlfriend was sleeping with a really good friend of mine. I guess he wasn't a friend like I thought. To top it off he was the drummer in my band. Not only am I single now, I'm also out of the band. Sucks.



June 12, 2013 @ (United States)

Tags: breakup1

He took a job abroad. It was short term. We had been together for over a year and had been through a lot. Before leaving he felt we didn't need to work out a communication plan. We would "figure it out". He hated the phone and would rarely call me. I had to ask him to call me on Christmas Day. So opted to only call me once a week and text me the rest. With communication solely on his terms, he began to accuse me of being distant. He would randomly call me and when I missed his call once he threw a fit and said I blew him off. Blew him off? I was in the bathroom.

A few weeks later I was out late with some friends. I came home and went straight to bed. The next morning he calls me, angry that I didn't text him I was going to bed, and broke up with me. This was a week before I was going to go visit him. He then texts me "you can still visit if you want." Of course, I'm not going to. Why would I visit my ex-boyfriend in a foreign land a week after he dumped me? No thanks. After telling him "no" he became enraged. He told me "I forgot you were coming out" and proceeded to give me a bunch of ultimatums ("either you come out here or I am never speaking to you again"). He wasn't begging me back, he just wanted me out there.

Then a few hours later he won't stop calling and texting me. He was crying, pleading with me. He insisted he made a mistake and wants me back. In that day he called me more than he had called me through our entire relationship. Unbelievable.



May 14, 2013 @ (Belgium)

Tags: ignored, heartbroken

So... I had a girlfriend & we were happy. We texted 24/7 & my friends would kill to have a relationship like we had.

The week before she went on her vacation with her family, she became annoying. She was just... a different girl. She was upset all the time & she yelled at people (especially me)I downloaded Whatsapp so we could talk without high costs. So, she went on vacation & we talked the first day. Everything was great, she had much fun. After that, she didn't answer anymore. I thought "Maybe she doesn't have time, or no internet" then two days before she went home, I spoke to my best friend. He told me "T. is hilarious @ twitter" So I asked him which T. he ment & He answered "You know, T. your girlfriend." I couldn't believe it so I asked him "How long has she been on twitter?" And he told me she was on twitter for the past 2 days, hours in a row. My heart was shattered by those words. I was very upset. The day she went home I texted her again, still no reply. So I broke up with her with tears in my eyes & those words "I'm done. If you don't want to talk to me, just tell me. You know I'll never get upset for that kind of stuff." So the next day she showed up explaining me why she started to ignore me. She told me she wasn't ready for a serious relationship & that she had a hard time at home. I bought it. I told her that even though we broke up I'll always be there for her. But she just deleted me out of her life. A few days later, she comes back around again to talk with MY bestfriends. She asked me to never talk to her again, so I did. The days passed by as I tried not to show any emotions. Then, after a week, she started to flirt with my best friend... (The one she spoked to @ twitter)I was BROKEN. I started to believe that she'd never loved my at all. I started to realise that the real reason behind our breakup was my best friend. She fell in love with my best friend, who is also in a relationship. But the worst of all is... She made everyone around her think that I'm the one who broke HER.


Was It Love

April 30, 2013 @ (Australia)

Tags: Love1

We met 3 years ago straight after my marriage breakup thinking it was just a bit of fun one night stand it turned out it lasted 3 years . He never really committed to me the whole time but I somehow felt I was in a relationship he gave me back my self esteem initially after my marriage breakup and i was so happy when i was with him but over the years I began to feel used and abused for sex and text based relationship . But he knew how to get me back everytime I felt strong enough to walk away he came back said and did everything right rope me in only to cut me loose again so he could go and have his fun then blame me for something I had said or did. He told me I was the best girl best company gorgeous sexy etc etc i was in love with him although he was 10 years younger than me I felt there was always a chance we could be together because he said he would never find anyone like me . And now here I am again I let him back into my life only for him to cut me off again but his time I am determined to let go and move on I have to because I want to feel real love be loved and appreciated I deserve it


Broken Angel

April 02, 2013 @ (srilanka)

Tags: broken girl

i wrote my breakup and cant see on here?????



March 31, 2013 @ (Kansas)

Tags: Breakup

I was the one who made the decision to break up. I did it out of anger and I believe what I did was just. He was rude, disappeared for a week, treated me like a doormat, broke promises, lied & cheated.

Regardless of how bad he was, he was my first real relationship. I guess this is the reason why I still think about him. People say, first love is always the hardest to get over. I believe that now. It really is the hardest.

People often say that it's often easier for the dumper, but in my case. It's not. When I ended the relationship, I gave him my side of the story, how he made me felt & how hurt I was about the way he treated me. He just argued and turned the blame on me. He implied that I was immature & selfish for wanting to break up & we ended it.

The break up was hard for me because even though it was my choice it was not one that I wanted. What he did to me broke a promise that he once made. I had to leave him to stand up for myself. It was hard because I was still in love with him. I think I still am a little bit.

But nonetheless its over now and I can positively say that I'm confident that I will meet and find someone who will treat me a lot better than he ever did. Because even though I loved him the most out of every man I've ever dated. He was the worst boyfriend I've ever had!



March 24, 2013 @ (United States)

Tags: not understanding, sadness.

I figure typing this out would probably do good for my heart, so I have decided to tell you all about my quite recent (only a few hours ago but still had enough time to linger in my head) breakup.

This boy was literally my childhood friend. Bad idea, I know, but I digress. He meant the world to me as a kid, and we just recently re-met each other after not speaking for years. The chemistry was sorta ... instant.

However, obviously, it didn't last.
We spent the few days we were together talking, and talking, and talking. I actually felt like he really cared about me. Just the mentioning of his name made me smile and blush.

He and I had so much in common, we still do. Our religious beliefs, music, art..
I thought I had really made it good, that for once, someone would stay with me.

Obviously that couldn't happen.
I get a text late into the night - and it said it was him, and that he wanted to end our relationship because he "wasn't ready for one." Me, usually reacting quite the opposite of how I normally would've, take the passive approach toward him, saying "I'm fine, I understand."

I later on then cried, and cried, and then something quite stupid. Cut myself. I couldn't sleep, due to the pain in my legs (one of the places I had decided to cut,) and my little depression I had going on.

So to any girl, or boy, or whomever is going through a breakup, don't get to down. We're just one step closer to finding our one ticket to happiness.
Regardless as to however they broke up with you, it happened for a reason. Heck, you never know, you could end up with them again in the future.
You just gotta wait it out and roll your dice.




February 20, 2013 @ (Clarksville, AR)

Tags: example1, example2

So this breakup story teens could probly relate to more. So me and this guy got together at the begining of the school year, he is my first boyfriend. He tried to flirt with me and he kept annoying me for about a week because he wanted to go out with me so bad. I had a few feelings for him so we gave it a shot,everything was going smoothly when about two weeks after we started going out he accused me of cheating on him with one of my friends. So I broke up with him to see if maybe he just needs some time so we broke up friday and got together on Monday. We went out for about three months and then he was being mean to my friends, me, and he accused me AGAIN for cheating on him. So we brokeup again and i asked him if he still wanted to be friends and he said "No, i don't think it will work out" and i said" You don't think i have a good reason to breakup with you do you"? and he said " No you don't"and i was about to explode right there in front of thirty people so I just went and sat down. Later on in the day i cheaked my email and i had an email from him and it said " Someone once told me that having someone that you love as a friend and in your life is better then not having them in your life at all". So we were friends for about two weeks and then things took a turn for the worst. He called me a Re Re and a B word and he told me to go puck myself. He was emailing me on the school email so he had to change the f to a p so he wouldn't get in trouble. He was trying to make me jelouse by asking two of my best friends out and that made things ten times worse. He keeps asking if we can get back together but he knows i have nothing new to say to him. So I have not talked to him in three weeks, but he keeps emailing but i have the strangth not to email him back. So if your ex wants you back and you and me have a similar story then he probley dosen't really like you. If they don't respect, appreciate, and value you then they don't deserve you. Stay strong I belive in you. Also if I miss spell something I am sorry. Good luck :)



February 03, 2013 @ (Pennsylvania, USA)

Tags: breakup, mistake, regret

Where to begin? I guess I should start with when we met. It was April 9th, 2012; the day we got back from a trip for marching band. I was talking to my friend Melanie and she said, "you should try to talk to new guys. You never know, something good might come out of it." I said, "who should I talk to though and how?" That's when she suggested I talk to the guy who would eventually be the best boyfriend I've ever had: Brandon. So, when I got home, I message him on Facebook because I had nothing better to do and I thought if I went up to him in person and talked to him that it would be weird. I doubted that he even knew who I was (I was wrong about that. Turns out our friend Nick had told him that he should date me when I was a freshman. I'm now a junior and he was a sophomore at the time. We're in high school). So, we hit it off and everything seemed great. But as months passed I was wondering why he never asked me out. He told me he wanted to get to know me better first. So then the summer went by and we didn't talk much. Then in August 2012, we had band camp and we started talking again. He asked me if I wanted to sit with him on the bus on the way to competitions. I said yes. The bus rides were always fun and he was a really big flirt. Once again, I began to wonder why he wasn't asking me out, but this time I didn't bring it up. Then on November 6th, 2012, we hung out and he asked me out. The way he did it was really corny, but it was cute. I was so happy. Then, 2 weeks later he told me that he didn't want me hugging other guys, because he wanted it to be an exclusive part of our relationship. I thought this was dumb, but I just said okay because I didn't want to start anything. This were going fine and then two weeks later, he told me to switch lockers and move into his (I was previously sharing one with my best friend, Louis). I think he was just jealous or insecure. Maybe both. I was his first girlfriend, so maybe he was just scared he'd lose me or something. So, that weekend he's over my house. We've made out before but we had never used tongue and we tried it but I didn't like it. He got frustrated and said that "it's a way to kiss. How can you not like it?" I said I didn't know. Then over the next two weeks it seemed like everyday he said he was getting frustrated with me. I was getting upset and depressed because I felt like I was letting an not being a good enough girlfriend. So, eventually I decided to break up with him on December 14th, 2012, because I just wasn't happy anymore. I did it over the phone because the only other time I would have been able to do it was at school or at my house and that would have been awkward. So I was on the phone with him and I did it. I broke up with him. He didn't say anything and I started to cry. I felt really bad and him not saying anything made me feel worse. Then five minutes later he said "Can we still be friends?" I said "yes" he said "okay. Bye." And hung up. I kept crying for a good 3 hours. He called me like 2 hours later but I was asleep. He left a voicemail saying that he hopes that I don't think he's mad at me and that he wishes things could have worked out but he's glad we can still be friends. I was happy about that. But as the weeks passed it seemed like he wanted the opposite. Now, he rarely talks to me and I feel like when he does, I annoy him. I miss him so much and it's ridiculous. I want him back, but I know he'll never want me again. I at least want to be friends again. I asked him to my junior prom, so maybe that will help, but we'll have to wait and see. Is there anything else I can do? I think I might be in love with Brandon and knowing that I screwed things up just hurts so much. I want to fix it. Breaking up with him was probably the biggest mistake in my life and I regret it so much.