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12 Results For 'anxiety'


April 16, 2024 @ (California)

Tags: Breakup, long relationship

We have yet to break up. Its hard but I decided to do it.. I'm just mentally and emotionally getting ready to do it...11 years down the drain because he doesn't know if he wants to be with me or not. I'm the dumb one for staying all this time and being delusional year after year waiting on him to propose. But nope. He doesn't want that. He doesn't even want to move in together... says he's not ready. See, my clock is ticking. I'm 35 now and I want a family. Yeah I should have probably left him after the 5 year mark. Maybe then I would have met the love of my life. Maybe I would already be a mom. Life is hard. I never imagined my life without him. I get so much anxiety thinking about the break up but it has to be done. I feel I won't be able to live without him but I gotta be selfish. I have to think about my future and find someone who is willing to wife me up.



November 03, 2018 @ (unites states)

Tags: Bad Breakup

So Im 15 and i was dating the 17 year old that my friend had introduced me to. me and him had talked for a long while about two months and then he finally asked me out but i was nervous saying yes because he had turned into my best friend when no one else was. i eventually had said yes to him . this was the best relationship i have ever had. well one day i decided to go camping with my family and i met this one boy who had talked me into being with him for the night and i did. well i told my boyfriend about it and he cried but he forgave me because i was the only girl he wanted in his life . after that i became depressed and had really bad anxiety and one day i called him and i thought i was telling him i loved him one last time well it didn't work so i had to tell him what i done and he started taking pills and i had to end everything and every once in a while i get these texts from him that he loves me and he cant find no one like me and i know its him because he used to call me "mi amour" and he used it in every text so i knew it was him . now he was my first kiss my first commitment my first relationship goal he was my everything now its over



May 31, 2017 @ (san francisco)

Tags: bad break up

We went out for 3 years and we started going out my sophomore year of high school. i was talking to another guy at the time, but knew it wasn't going to work out. i tweeted how i wanted iced coffee and he said he was going to bring me one. So he did and i have him a hug and i felt a spark in a hug? i asked him about it later and he felt the same way. He asked me out on a date and till this day it was just magical and when he kissed me I always felt the fireworks, even with our last kiss and i knew we were going to be over. we had our struggles of course. i was insecure and suffered with depression and anxiety. i began to distant myself and hurt him when i was trying to help myself. he tried being there for me and eventually gave up. he went out with his friends and partied while i cried wishing i was making him happy. i caused his so much stress and that's what ended it. i made him heartless and made him not love me anymore. he eventually went to talking to other girls especially his so called "sister". i went through his phone and found texts between them. i cried for days and just wished that we could get back to how things were. the first time we broke up was before out 3 years when he told me he would grind with other girls especially his so called "sister" and slept in the same bed with her. i couldnt do it anymore and went crazy. he called me crying telling me he wanted to be with me. that's all i wanted, to be with him. i couldn't trust him so i would question him so much to the point where he tells me he doesn't love me anymore and he couldn't do it. i was so heartbroken but i eventually got him back. that was my mistake, i chased him even though he was the main reason why we broke up, even though we had so many problems and we added on to them. we truly were happy for a couple of months and i thought we were over the bad times and moving on to better things and building a future we always talked about. i had my own problems and made him into a guy i didn't know. i can't blame him for everything but i owned up to my own problems. once it was our final break-up he had no feelings for me at all while i was completely heart broken. i know i can never get over him because he was my first for everything. but all i can think about it that he doesnt care about me even though i did everything in my power to do everything for him, while he couldn't do anything for me. i hope one day he is happy and will treat a girl right, but i will always be heart broken over him. i know if he came back to me in a week, a month, or even years, i would take him back in a heartbeat.


Im Not Over You

January 13, 2017 @ (china)

Tags: sad breakup

I started to like this guy when I was in school. One day I was with my friends and they were face timing him and we were all playing truth or dare. Some how the truth question was... Who do you like? since it was his question he started to hesitate but bravely he said my name. My hear dropped to the floor. I told him I liked him too. He texted me later "Hey Cutie" and we started to talk. We talked about random crap and said things like "Love you"or we sent heart emojis to each other. In school we would flirt and talk and he asked me out. People say that being so young I don't know what love is. Or how to do it. I disagree but even if that was true... I'm positive I know this.. I CAN love someone and feel like they stabbed me in the chest saying that they loved me one day and don't like me the next. We can even look at each other the slightest bit now without is being awkward. I hate walking into a room with it because I feel so much anxiety. How can it be that I'm still not over him? Someone PLEASE tell me... How do I get over him?



July 10, 2016 @ (California)

Tags: Bad breakup, hurtful, sad

I've always had trust issues with him and have anxiety attacks about things he's done. I looked at his phone one day and saw a bra pic of his ex and I was so hurt I texted him being really upset. He then dumped me through text because he said I stressed him out and that I complained about nothing. He was my first real love too so that really sucked.



March 25, 2016 @ (Anywhere)

Tags: #surviving

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship. I never was interested in dating until 9 months ago. I am 20 years old and I am young, but I fell in love. To me he was perfect until one day he wasn't. He told me I wasn't attractive enough for him, that I was stupid, a whore, worthless, etc. None of which is true. My friends were confused what I saw in him, and I will not try to sound conceited, but I knew I was much better looking. He made his own insecurities mine, to hide how he really felt. I was so depressed, I lost almost 15 bs. I was never big. I was 5'6" and went from 122 lbs to 106 lbs in three months. It was unhealthy. The first time we broke up I was devastated. I didn't eat or sleep, my anxiety was so bad it overtook my life. I was so desperate to make things right that I drove him further away. There was a point where I couldn't leave my bed and my roommates were genuinely concerned about me. A month later we got back together. It was beautiful. I was so happy and he said he loved me all the time. However 2 months later, it crashed again. I am OKAY. I am here to tell you it gets better. We broke up two days ago, I cried yesterday, but that's okay. I feel liberated. I realized that yes, we love each other, but we both are too immature to be together at this point. Sometimes when a relationship ends, you need to take a step back and really look at it. He holds grudges, he mentally abused me, he never made sacrifices for me, which made me resent him. I realized that sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes you realize that no matter how desperate you are to make things work, they just don't. I know it's hard to accept, heck I am struggling too. If it is meant to be it will be. Maybe it's just not the right time, but I can tell you that once you hit rock bottom you can go nowhere else, but up. I was at rock bottom, I lived and someone I am okay. I haven't bombarded him with texts begging him to take me back or whine how it isn't fair. I simply said I wouldn't contact him unless he contacted me and he hasn't. I will not reach out again. My best advice to anyone going through what I survived, as much as it sucks and as much as you want to reach out and be with them, cut them off. Take a real look at your relationship. Do you want to go back to it? Is it worth it? If it is, than fight for it and if it works, that's amazing, if it doesn't at least you'll know you gave everything you had. I can promise you it isn't easy, but it does get better.



August 24, 2015 @ (India)

Tags: So sorry!

We were close friends... but eventually friendship turned to love..he loved me soo did I ..after school we got together.. we met once every month, spoke every day...he sent me his pics.. everything was perfect...until now..just a few weeks back in july 2015... i sent him a collage with our pics and a message..after that i was having my important university examination ( Medicine) so i could not call or text him much..but still i felt that he was avoiding me.. in the midst i tried texting and calling him a zillion times... he never answered my calls..neither did he respond to my text messages... but i was not ready to believe that he would cheat on me... i contacted our school friends..i mean we all were pretty close.. i told them that he was doing this..they told me that they have also stopped getting information from him.. i was alarmed.. they said don't worry and don't spoil your exams..thankfully in the midst of so much anxiety i was able to do my most important exams in life..... and he had told one of my friends who called him upon hearing my complains..the truth behind his avoidance.. but she refused to tell me.. because she was scared of me spoiling my exams..i understood that something was terribly wrong..i waited..yesterday at last my exams got over... she called me at 11:00pm... it was a conference call..three friends... she began.. i listened... his parents saw the collage... his mom cried...and stopped talking to him for two days..his dad still doesn't speak to him... he was beaten... they feel that this is not a serious relationship..and that their son is giving me false hopes..iam a doctor..he is studying for Bcom... his mom said all these.. her parents will never are playing with her will never get settled before her..allow her to live... :'( and made him promise upon Holy Quran .. that he won't speak to me or see me again.. he has decided to lead a bachelor life... :( i cried bitterly... i was was he... if he had cheated on me..i could at least hate him.. but we still love each other soo much and yet....i spent sleepless nights..i can't cope....we could not hear each others voices for one last time.. :( ... I don't wanna be any one else's but his... and yes,,, i will wait... i will wait for him... i won't let him go... let me ask my parents when it's time.... the rest I leave to God..... My God had never disappointed me... and I believe in him.. he won't disappoint me any further... Cuz it's our first love.. and I want it to be our first and only love..... <3



February 17, 2014 @ (Australia)

Tags: bad breakup turned inspirational story

In this story, the breakup lasted almost four months. Stupid, I know.
When I was 20 I completely fell for my housemate, we'd been living together for a few months and he was a wonderful friend, we ended up dating for ten months. The first six were amazing. We had compatible future plans and lived together like an old married couple, we knew each other better than ourselves, or so I thought.
Over the course of the last four months, things started changing. He still did all the physical things that you'd expect a loving boyfriend to do, lifts home from work, random gifts.. but he started making me feel like I was a screw up. I couldn't do anything right, he was mad all the time at the stupidest things. Sometimes I would cry in our shared bed and he would just roll over to sleep. (remember this, it's relevant.) When my anxiety peaked to a point where I couldn't handle it, I told him it was over. He basically told me that he'd been wanting to leave me for months but didn't want to deal with dumping me, four months of emotional turmoil because he couldn't be bothered just talking to me! He moved out the next day.

There's an inspirational message in here though. After him, I dated a few people who lied and manipulated and all but gave up, until I met someone who I immediately bonded with over our emotionally damaging exes. The first time we had a minor disagreement, we made up right away, and then he rolled over to sleep. Because I'd always known this to mean "I don't like you right now." even though I knew it was ridiculous, I started crying. I tried to hide it, but when he noticed he immediately cuddled me and apologised, turns out he rolled over because his shoulder was really hurting but he refused to get comfortable again until I was happy again and falling asleep. We're still together.

There's never a good reason for anyone to make you feel like you're not good enough, or that you're not loved. If this is happening to you, just know that the worst that can come out of leaving someone who does this to you, is that you'll be single for a while. The best thing that can happen is a major self confidence boost from standing up for yourself and a better man just around the corner.

I'm sorry for making this so deep, but whilst that four months was the worst, most damaging thing that's ever happened to me, I came out the other side better off.



December 25, 2013 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Broke up w me at school

Me and my bf went out for 4.5 months..and he broke up w me five days ago. He was my best friend my world. I NEED him...:( we would text FaceTime,e or see each other just about every day, we were a really close couple. I cry every night so much and I just don't know what to do. He seems like he's getting over me quickly but he says he'll always care for me. He says that he broke up w me bc the main reason was was that I told him he should stop this habit...I'm not going to say what it was but let's just say little kids do this...and it involves gold....anyways he said also that I didn't like things he like (ex. He likes video games and I like makeup and this is the example he gave me actually) he also said I was rude and sarcastic sometimes, and he told our mutual friend when she asked about our breakup that I gave him BS all the time....and gave him anxiety attacks... But he always got anxiety attacks and panic attacks over the littlest things and would over react on things. And the week before we broke up he was saying how his friend ally wanted to hang out w them at a skate rink and it wasn't going to be there...and he told me two months ago how he was attracted to a friend if mine... He also said we'd always argue. But not all the time, at least not to me. I remember some really good times...I just miss it so much. It hurts so bad. Idk hoe to deal with it...please someone please help me I'm 15 btw and I have to see him at school



November 08, 2013 @ (Seattle)

Tags: bad break up, young love, sweet, cute, douche bag, depression, anxiety, high school, sad, ugh

Oh my gosh . My ex boyfriend is a douche bag. I swear .. I was never over him.. but he caused so much pain, and I really tried to .. BUT NOW HE WANTS TO GET BACK TOGETHER . I'VE HEARD RUMORS FROM MY FRIEND ALEX (who is also his best friend) BUT I DIDN'T BELIEVE IT. But now he's smiling at me with those beautiful teeth .. talking to me and luring me in with that voice.. the voice that's like honey and just makes me melt everytime I hear it. He changed me. I wasn't always depressed, even if my life wasn't all that great .. after my parents finalized the divorce, there wasn't much to look forward to. But he was there for me. He was always my shoulder to cry on. Ever since 7th grade . UGH, MIDDLE SCHOOL. I thought middle school was hard; but compared to high school, it was a party.. my emotions are just everywhere.. but yea, the point is, he ended up breaking me in the end. I knew it wasn't gonna last. Of COURSE I knew. But something at the back of my mind just wished it wasn't. And I guess I just couldn't accept the cruel reality that it was over. All those movie dates . All the times he'd put his arms around me.. and that smile- it was directed towards me and me only and I used to literally feel as if we were the only two people in the world. That strawberry blonde/brownish hair .. haha.. the long paragraphs he would send me in the morning about how beautiful he thought I was.. those times in third period where we laughed, he would flip his hair, start strumming that bass guitar of his while the strings teacher would yell at me about dropping my violin and then having to tune it all over again. We lived to make her annoyed omg , but I just miss it . I miss everything. I miss him. I miss not being lonely.

That time on the ferris wheel at the state fair with terry and alex? When we kissed and said 'I love you' for the 80th time?
I miss us.

The truth is, I was never over it. I miss running my fingers through his hair.

I just dont wanna be lonely.

I poured my heart out to him and he took advantage of me.

I miss that fairytale feeling.

But I guess all fairytales have to end. Just ask Troy. He had no problem ending mine.

And now he just wants to walk back into my life again? After all the pain that he's caused? Like nothing's happened? I just can't.

The thing that makes me hate myself the most? Everytime he glances at me, I still get butterflies. When I see him laugh in the hallways, my heard starts pounding inexpilcably fast. And the last and most horrifying thing? I was tempted. I was actually tempted to say yes.