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1 Results For 'arthur'


April 29, 2014 @ (denver colorado)

Tags: #Arthur

I had been dating this guy for 4 years, and things were ok in the beginning, later on he started being obsessive, I wouldn't answer his calls, he would leave me 11 voicemails! We talked and worked out, he told me how much he loves me, and he doesn't want to lose me. how I was the perfect one for him. I was completely faithful to him! after a few months he began to act strange, turns out he left his facebook open at home, and I saw a message coming from a guy saying that he loves my boyfriend. I asked my boyfriend what was going, and if he was gay. he said hes been having mixed emotions. that we should break up. I moved on, he went out with that guy. which is sad and embracing for me.