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87 Results For 'fine'


December 01, 2021 @ (Massachusetts)

Tags: Twisted

So this all started from meeting this great guy in a game. I know meeting people usually isn't a great idea especially dating them but that didn't really bother me anymore. I met him in the game and we started talking that day. He told me about himself and I decided to as well. Then a red flag came up. He said he liked this girl...yet asked me out the day we met just to "try it out" and see how far that goes. So of course I accept his proposal. This had to have been the biggest mistake of my life. We started calling later on every week and it would be so awkward, the silence and everything. School was around the corner which was online since the whole pandemic happened. I met this girl and we would start communicating in the meets. I asked if she had discord...and she said yes! So i decided to add her. That day when I added her on discord and on game, we started talking more often. She decided to invite to this group chat in discord which had her best friend, crush, and me. I asked them all if its okay that I add my boyfriend. His name was Lume. I added him and that point on everyone liked him and would talk to him 24/7. He started slowly ignoring me and playing with them more often. Mind you I was very busy at that time and had no time to play. I got really upset and jealous because he would be bffs with the girl that he cheated on me with. We aren't at that point yet so, this day I decided to see what he was playing because he was playing with ash (the girl I met in the meetings). Then I noticed he was playing with everyone. Ashs crush, best friend, and Lume. Mind you I hated her crush. Her crush is the girl the Lume cheated on me with. Her name was Izzy. Izzy and I fought in the group at first due to her flirting with Lume. Yet Lume took her side. Another red flag huh? So I got so pissed I ignored him. We started fighting ect.....then depression hit. Lets get to the point, Ash and Izzy dated then broke up which I found strange. Lume later on in the weeks broke up with me....saying I was manipulated. This was a day that I was in call with him and Izzy!!! She knew the whole plan. He decided to block me so I did it back. I still talked to ash since she talked to Lume and Izzy. I was perfectly fine after the break up, I got over it little by little..then something happened. They started dating. Izzy decided to show pics of Lume kissing her in game or whatever and confessing love to her. I broke down. Of course she liked him too and mind you this was when Lume was dating me and Izzy was dating Ash. They are both fucking cheaters. I tried to ask them and yes we did argue over text and I was going all out, but I didn't give a shit. Lume broke up with her due to cheating on her. Then I started talking with Izzy again for a while and we got along yet it ended. Ash dated her best friend who was transgender to a girl and was straight on lesbian. They broke up too. She apparently didn't give a shit about us since she only wanted attention. She talks to Lume now and I'm pretty sure everyone else is too. I hope Karma gets him. He started dating more girls and they would break up. Hes a cheating bastard and you ladies should never date online especially when you notice red flags. Think twice, now I'm in a happy relationship with someone irl and I'm done with people online.


Weird Guy

November 14, 2020 @ (India)

Tags: bad breakup, confused, sad

It was all going well until I received a message on my phone after 2 years there she was asking me if I want to talk, all of a sudden I thought I travelled back in time when I was 13 my family moved to a big city(New Delhi) from a small town. So I was in a new school and I was very bad at making friends but some how I got stable there and there she was the most attractive and dominating girl in my class although her academic performance was below average so I built a smoky image of her inside my mind and she had a boyfriend and she was the drama queen of our class. So some how after a year when she had her break up I told her that I like her and she said that she likes me too but only as friend and I was fine but after some time she confessed her love for me and I was so happy that time. Then at the age of 14 I did my first kiss (hope you don't judge me for that) she was a possessive girl but that never bothered me. It was going well until my parents thought to change my school when I was 16 so I went to new school and then we started talking on phone but I am really bad at conversation due to my introverted nature due to which we only talked once in 2 months and only hi or just a smile



October 23, 2019 @ (Florida)

Tags: bad breakup

On March 28 of my senior year, a day after my year and 7 months anniversary, my boyfriend had broken up with me. It was sudden and unexpected. We were fighting at the time about something stupid and I had apologized and he never did. I didn't go to school the day after because I was sick. Heartbreak. I loved this man and the reasons he gave for leaving was horrible. He told me I was a bitch, insensitive, and that he hadn't loved me for the last 2 months and he was only with me so I was happy. Although he already planned to break up with me the day after school ended. The next week comes and I found out he already had a new girlfriend. Realization set in. He was cheating. A few weeks later rumors about me were being spread, he was throwing shade at me. I snapped. I told him that if he wanted to be "done" with the relationship like he said then he needed to quit being a petty asshole and grow up. It was over, he moved on and I was on my way with a good life. He didn't stop, but karma was a bitch. His new girlfriend broke up with him after she talked to me and realized that everything he told her about me was a lie.

There was a lesson to be learned. If you say you are done with a relationship then don't make things harder for the other person. Move on. If you hate them, that's fine. Don't go and make their life miserable because you were.

Karma is a bitch.


Bad Luck

September 18, 2018 @ (Bulgaria)

Tags: Bad breakup, Cancer

Me and my girlfriend broke up this April after nearly 4 years of being together. Last October I was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to undergo surgery (unfortunately lost one of my soldiers) and go to chemo. When this news came we had recently moved in together, but I had to return to my home town for treatment for about half an year. In that span of time she came to visit me 2 times and I went to visit her 2 times. Initially she was hesitant to come when I said that I will have to go through an operation. Her excuses were more than laughable - she had too much work in uni, I was too far away, couldn't we communicate through Viber, she though that this was a routine operation..... whatever that means. At least I think they are laughable, if the situation was in reverse I wouldn't hesitate to put everything on hold. So 6 month later I am fine, alive and kicking and when I return to her the first thing she literally said was ''Hi! We need to talk. I want to break-up with you''. She stated that she had learned to be alone for this time and thought our relationship was stagnating (which I have to agree with). Three-four months after we separated she has a new boyfriend. To whoever might read this - value your life, value your dignity, value yourself. For if you do not, nobody else will. If you do not live for yourself, nobody else will. I might come across as an egoist, but after this ordeal, life taught me that you have to an egoist, otherwise you will make compromises with no clear gain. God Bless and good luck to everybody. May you be spared such an experience!



September 23, 2017 @ (Sky)

Tags: Hard breakup

Im 23, I met my ex at a running club when she was 16 and I asked her out, it all worked perfectly and we fell in love quickly. Our relationship was PERFECT, we both loved eachother and had a great time everytime we were together. We were made for eachother, and I really mean it, im not saying that because everyone says it. It was all really good.

For the record, we both new she was going abroad for her college studies, and we were willing to have a long distance relationship.

Sometimes she used to tell me that she was the only one contributing to the relationship, saying that only she wanted to see me and that I was indiferent when we dont meet. The truth is that it might be true, I was busy with college and in my free time I also liked to play video games, but we still saw eachother A LOT. I told her it was not true, every time I could I would go see her and that I love her with all my heart.

Time passed, and it was all still extremely good, but after 1 year and 8 months, she was 18 and done with school, while I am still finishing my last college year. We spent my summer vacations together, all the time, and when they were over, things changed, she had all that FREE TIME while I was extremely busy, that is when things fell appart really. I could not see her for 2 weekends straight, due to my overwhelming homework and also playing some video games; she basically transformed, and when I asked her what was happening, she said that she was getting used to not see me. I imediatelly went to see her and talk, but she was another girl, indiferent, not caring anymore. I told her that I will change and I will literaly sleep less so I can se her more. She said ok, but she was already diferent, nothing I did actually changed her mind. It was really messed up, so we sat down and talked, and she said that she had to change, she was suffering because she put a lot of effort into us and she left herself behind. This was true, she gave me all these little creative presents all the time, and I did not. She told me that the only way she could feel good is by caring less; I told her I was already putting more time into her, but she said that it was not the same, and that she thinks that the relationship is ending; nevetheless, we agreed to try to make it better. I really put an effort into everything, bringing her flowers, spending weekdays with her, and more, but after 2 weeks of this, she told me we need to talk, and broke up with me, saying we will be better off alone, she said she needed this time for herself before she went off the country. But she made her discontent clear, she told me that part of the breakup is due to her always giving me those little details, and that I never cared to give her the same, I did gave her some, but with time, I stopped.

The thing is that we broke up, and I am dying, feeling guilty as I gave her for granted and I lost her. She looks fine, I was crying really bad and she just shed a few tears. She said that maybe in the future we will meet, and she made it clear that she dreams of being my wife and having my kids, that im the perfect guy, but she wants to be alone.

I am confused and dont know what to do. I am shocked, I still think its not reall, I cant believe she broke up with me, SHE LOVED ME so much, and I did to. It all just happened in a second. Help me please.



September 20, 2017 @ (India)

Tags: Bad Rebound Break up

Hi Guys, Let me share my story
Myself RJ(28) working in a software company as Team Lead and my ex(23.9) she joined as a fresher in our company recently and started liking from the first day after seeing her. After a casual talk for 2-3 weeks i got her contact no and we went out after office and things started from there and she used to say " I really want to be with you all the time" and later one day she came to my room and we drank and had fun time.She said that she loves me and want's to marry me but i tried to tell her that it may be very difficult because for the fact that we are from different regions like i am from south and she is from north (language,custom difference) and there is age gap of 5 years and i also told her it is just an attraction but she keep on saying that i love you and will marry you and will try to convince her parents . I gave my 100% commitment since then and things went pretty well for 5 months but from jun end she started behaving different and phone calls ,chats and meetings got reduced day to day .I can see the change and started asking what's happening and she used to say that "Her parents started looking for a match", i told her to talk to about us and she said she will talk to them in Oct (she is going to home for Festival) .All of a sudden one fine night she sent breakup message saying " Her family financial condition is not good" and she don't want her father to take any tension because of the relation. I tried to convince her that i will to talk to her family but she is no way interested, I asked her if there any third person came in between and she said "no" . For 1 month i tried to sort out what's happening but one day i went out with our mutual Colleagues to a trip (she didn't came) where i came to know that she had a boyfriend (College break up) and she is still in contact with that guy and he came into her life again and also she showed their close pics to one of my mutual colleague and asked him to help her in talking to her parents to convince them and he talked to her Ex as well. I was literally shocked after hearing that news and the next day me and the colleagues asked about the boyfriend and she was very angry and started shouting on me saying " I just made up this story to cover our relationship in office and said i don't want to see your face again" and said she is getting married(LIE).But from then she stopped talking to me saying that i took her respect in front her colleagues and she said " i made her a bitch" in front of them. All i tried is to make her to understand how much i like her and how much i wanted her in my life . Now day to day its very clear that all the time she just made time pass with me which i thought as love and she stopped talking to me and don't even like to see my face because i exposed about our relation to colleagues which they don't know for last 5 months. We are staying in the same office ,same floor and same section and it is not easy for me to say that daily seeing her and listening her voice all the time and staying calm. She is with her ex now who she broke up with before and all the time she lied ( my understanding) to me .... I came to know that she is in contact with him since beginning but she cleared her traces everywhere and didn't gave a chance to doubt her actions.In office she talks to everyone and being close to a guy who i was in secured off before . I hope now u understand my situation and please suggest how to stay calm in the office. I never said i love you or i will marry you she started the things and now she just broke my heart for her ex boyfriend . I did nothing wrong even she knows that but i am going through a lot of pain now .The worst part is " His ex and me we both don't know that we exist in each other life's " she is too brilliant and hided everything from both of us (me and her ex)



June 06, 2017 @ (Tampa )

Tags: Worst break up ever

It was doing perfectily fine. Which is what I thought. But I heard he was thinking about ending it because he had no time to hang out in the summer because of baseball. So I decided to bring it up via text. He totally denied he ever said anything about breaking up with me even though my friends said he was talking about it. The next day he ends it over text saying he doesn't want to date and likes someone else. I was miserable. The next day, asks out another girl. The. Next. Day. Total jerk.


A Red Head

March 31, 2017 @ (Canada)

Tags: A ginger Sob story

As long as I can remember I belive my personality said more about myself rather than my appearance.  Growing up what ever style it was, weather "grundge", "punk" or "gangster" my only real feature that stood out was my red hair. Though I wouldn't alow these styles to define me as a person I often felt predgism. This feeling often played a part in choices and morality as I grew up to never judge a book by its cover, and try to veiw things logic ly from Nemours perspectives. This led me to having a lot of friends from very diferent walks of life. This is the story of my last relationship spanning three years, from the time I met and fell in love with her at first sight, to my life right now, falling apart and absoltly hating myself. I am an asshole.

For some time, at the age of 23, I had been struggling with my housing situation. I was a first year heavy duity mechanic with two years experiance working maintenance for a pretty large transportation company in an oil city. Growing up here my entire life had given me at a young age a veiw into the world of drugs, gluttony, and a lot of narrow minded people just trying to stay busy and get by. During this time, the geting by was alright. The economy was booming and at this time were you to leave your job three more opertunity opened up. The realy problem at this point where the housing situation made it dificult was juggling my job and dealing with a series of drug addicted roomates. One of witch during the 2012 incident was telling me how he was goig to eat me. After that moved in with a friend growing up from high schools familie. Let's just say there was a series of murders going on with a particular gang that growing up i was affiliated through.  That was a unsafe fucked up situation I don't wish to discuss to much about Friends dieing and going to jail. This made me become more distant from more and more friends and focusing on my career.
Eventually, after some time couch serfing and sleepig in my car I had moved in with a two co workers. It was a old and small house, but it was nice. It was me and a coworker up stairs. My room was pink. Another country worker and his lesbian cousin and her other down stairs. With all that said, this is the setting of my tale. Where I first met her.
My roomate had started going through a dark period after his girlfriend had left him because he relapsed on meth. His down ward spiral kept geting worce and worce. Living with a meth head is the most unpleasant living I had delt with. Money, belonging, go missing, weird people come over. Mood swings. To cope with it I had began drinking more. Eventually he had lost his job and there was little I wouldn't do to get out of the house and meet new people. After one night at the bar I get back home fairly early. Being drunk and hearing music from un known origin I begin to follow it into the basement.  My down stairs roomates were having a few drinks and the girl I was in love with is there.
My first words to her were, " Oh your friends with those two? Are you a lesbian as well, because I think your cute."
She wasn't a lesbian. She was queer. Not that I realy understood much of that at the time. We ended up making out and I drove her to work the next day. I latter find out she had recently decided to transition into a man and begin her hormones. I was pretty sad that this girl who I just met that I already had feelings for was undergoing a change that wouldnt lead anywhere for us.
Regardless of where we both stood about my feeling we began hanging out. And for a time, a beautifle friendship blossomed. She inspired me to be myself, not let others take advantage of me, to stick up for myself have faith in making the right choices to better myself. I soon moved out of the house and got a small town house with my best friend growing up. For a time things seemed pretty good. How ever, I knew this girl I was already in love with and knew things how they were wouldn't last forever... nothing good lasts for ever, and once again things would get rocky. this is the end of part one.



February 22, 2017 @ (Covina, CA)

Tags: Worst break up ever

I fell in love with my best friend. He was a sweet and kind boy that loved to help people. And he loved me back. I knew he did because he treated me like I was special. He said things that no one who saw you as just a friend would say. 4 months of magical romance that everyone saw but we didn't want to admit was there. Finally one day we told each other how we felt and all our friends were so happy for us. I had never been happier in my life. We loved each other. At first it was cute puppy love, I guess you could say, but when my growing depression finally got ahead of me, we found out how much we truly loved each other. He cared for me unlike anyone I've known. The puppy love became a romance and passion that we had building up inside of us for months. We were completely in love with each other even if we both hated ourselves. We were each other's reasons for living. And I can't tell you how many times we were so close to giving up but saved each other. I'll never forget that day I wanted to kill myself and he told me that he loved me and I meant everything to him. That I changed his life for the better. That summer, 3 months after we first confessed to each other, was depressing because we missed each other dearly. School was the only time we got to see each other. Then one day I got my phone taken away. The only way I could contact him was through text. For 2 weeks I sometimes secretly went in my phone to text him. It was brief but those moments were everything to me. Then... 5 days after our 5 month anniversary, I got my phone back. I texted him happily and he replied. But he was depressed. I asked him why and he refused to tell me. I hadn't talked to him in 3 days at the time so anything could've happened. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong and he said.... "I think I'm gay..." I was in shock. And when he said he liked me as a friend, I wanted to throw my phone and just kill myself. I struggled to stay calm for his sake. If I showed how much it hurt, he would regret telling me even more. I told him I needed to be alone. I was in public, totally unprepared for any tragic news. But slowly as reality sunk in, I couldn't hold back against the tears that threatened to pour. I excused myself to the restroom where I cried so hard I couldn't breathe because I tried to stay quiet. I didn't feel anything but pain and sadness. For the next few weeks, he begged me to move on. He was extremely sad and was angry at himself for breaking my heart. He even said he wish had never said anything at all. But I would've found out one day. He wouldn't love me anymore and I would be able to tell. School started and we were friends who pretended we were fine. No one asked about our relationship. Only one person did but we ignored them. It's funny. A lot of people keep asking us if we are dating. No one asked when we actually were. He isn't the same anymore. He isn't positive anymore. He shuts down when he's sad and only talks to his therapist. He used to talk to me. I dont know what we are at the moment. Sometimes I see my boyfriend again in the way he looks at me. Sometimes I see my best friend. But sometimes I see my ex boyfriend, the broken shell of the person I once knew and loved. I still love him to this day.

If you ever hear about a break up where the boyfriend finds out he's gay and the girlfriend is sad, don't laugh. It sounds humorous, but when it becomes your reality and the thing that tears you apart everyday, you won't be laughing. In these cases, there's little to no chance of getting back together. And it hurts like hell.



December 04, 2016 @ (United States)

Tags: blindside

I got broken up with yesterday by someone that I really cared about. We understood each other on a level that no one could explain, and he was my best friend. We had been dating for about 2.5 months and everything seemed completely fine. We were together the day before it happened, and he didn't show any signs of wanting to break up. He told me that he just didn't have time to prioritize a relationship right now (some context: we're both college students, he's a senior and I'm a sophomore). He said that it wasn't that he didn't have feelings for me anymore, and it wasn't anything that I did, it was just that he just had so much going on and he felt like "[he] wasn't being fair to [me]" by not spending enough time with me and not being fully present when we were together. Do you think there's any chance that he'll come back to me? I miss him so much...


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