
March 16, 2011 @ (NY)

Tags: Youthinkyouhaditbad?

Just a bit of history: My boyfriend and I met our first semester in law school, and dated for 16 months. The first major problem happened about 7 months into our relationship, when I found out I was pregnant and had to have an abortion. My appointment was on a Friday, the day my boyfriend planned to drive to Indianapolis for a Pokemon tournament with his buddies. Yes, a Pokemon tournament. He DID drive me to the appointment, after initially saying he wouldn't because of the tournament, but after it was over, tucked me in at my apartment and shot down to Indy for the remainder of the weekend. Then, in October, I found 2 Craigslist postings by him, one looking for a dude to have sex with, and the other looking for a male to female transexual to have sex with. I wish I were joking. Like a moron in love, I stayed with him. On the night February 12th, 2011, he told me that we were going to be together forever, and have healthy children--something he's said before. The next morning, the day before Valentine's Day, I called him to solidify some plans we had, and he dumped me. For the past month, he has strung me along, and I've been too blindly in love to let him go. Even after breaking up, we agreed to go to our law school's ball together. We had a fight, and I invited someone else, but he told me that he still wanted to go with me and was upset I had purchased another ticket. So we decided that we'd still go together, and he reiterated how happy he was that we were.
Finally, I find out he has been talking to another girl (not from him, of course),and a few days ago, he told me he can't take me to ball, even as a friend, because he can't commit to something 3 weeks away when he doesn't know what his "status" will be.

This guy, who is Mr. Popular in law school, has everyone fooled BUT me. Good riddance.



Comment on this breakup


November 25, 2011

uhhh what surprised me was you still stuck with him when he was looking to have sexual relationships with men! I'm sorry my ass would have been gone after I saw that and all the feelings I had would have been out the windown and I woulda been sayin that fool ain't shit! You can't be tolerating stupid men like him. You need to be with someone who actually cares about you and won't do any crazy things like that. But I know for sure you will do way better so keep your head up and continue with your studies



March 17, 2011

Are you kidding me? What a waste of oxygen you are, Zeeman. I hope you enjoy posting inane, judgmental comments anonymously on the Internet. Congratulations, you intolerant imbecile. Get a LIFE.



March 17, 2011

You go to school to get an education,not to get LAID and get preggy.You are not too smart to even go to law school.Learn to close your legs as we have enough bastard kids in this world.