
February 17, 2011 @ (Texas)

Tags: example 1

not really a break up but here it goes... so i'm 13 and don't give me that focus on your studies crap... I've never been much of a G.F. B.F. type of guy but when one of the hottest girls at the school starts trying to talk to you, you dont just turn down the offer. So it starts off great but its just talking never dating. Then about 2 months later still just talking no dating and im beginning to question our relationship and if we'll ever be more than just what we had been. She tries to tell me we will but she's nervous. I believe her but im still skeptical. About a week later what do you know she says we should stop talking and that she sees me as just a friend. She has no new boyfriend or is event talking to anyone she just got tired i guess. "500 days of Summer" without the happy ending. I now know what it feels like to be heart broken...



Comment on this breakup


March 29, 2011

Awww...although I see where you two are coming from...I don't completely agree...he most certainly did feel heartbreak...maybe not how an older more experienced person has, but in his own way he did



February 20, 2011

ill have to agree wit Noel yu cant be in love with someone if yu nevere actually dated and plus youre too young to be worrying about that rite now kid, go to school and get an education theres plenty of life ahead of you.



February 18, 2011

Kid, that's not heartbreak. You're too young to know what love is. You also can't love somebody you weren't actually with. If anything that's like. Stay a kid for as long as you can. You don't need to be in a relationship.