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Vanessa Dimitri

June 03, 2024 @ (California)

Tags: love spell break up

I’m so excited my broken Marriage has been restored. “We recently made up, even though it was difficult. It’s been more than a month now, and everything feels like it’s returned to normal. He has begun to treat me better, and it’s been a healing process for both of us. The nightmare that had lasted for almost 2 years before we broke up is finally over. It’s like we fell in love all over again! We’ve both put the past behind us, and are trying to move forward – and for the first time in a long time, the future looks a lot brighter. I can’t express in words how grateful I am Dr Great! It’s like we’ve finally rediscovered those things about each other that made us fall in love in the first place. All of the worrying and stress has simply vanished. Thank you Dr Great for saving my broken Marriage and bringing my husband back to me!”. Me and my husband are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Great. If you have any problem contact Dr Great now and i guarantee you that he will help you contact him through or

WhatsApp 2348118829899




May 22, 2024 @ (Delaware)

Tags: Bad break up

So my friend told me to talk to this girl so I did and she said do you want to be my boyfriend so I said yes and then I had to go somewhere and I told her that I need to go and I will call later and then I tried calling her but she didn’t answer so then Later she said I want to Break up so I asked why and she said because someone dared her to do it no I fell sad now I can’t trust no girl no more.


Elizabeth Flores

May 16, 2024 @ (United States)

Tags: lovepspell

Hello my name is Elizabeth Flores, All thanks to Dr Peter the best spell caster in the World, I am Writing this as a result of his performance in helping me get my lover back to me within 30 hours after I contacted him. Before i contacted Dr Peter i read so many testimonies about him on the internet and today i am very happy that i am also writing a testimony about him and his super help that he rendered to me in getting my Ex lover Back, If you are seeking for an everlasting solution in getting your lover just contact Dr Peter via and get your lover Back permanently 100% Email and you can also read more about him on

Call/WhatsApp 1 (646) 494-4360



Colson Anderson

February 28, 2024 @ (Bexhill )

Tags: Losing my love of life

I meat my partner 7 years ago as her builder after two months we became partners it took me 10 months to rebuild the house for witch I loved doing I only saw her weekends. We had a lovely house.then she moved in after a week or so we were watching tv. And then she started to rock in the chair I did not say everything I just put my hand on her back and she stopped. Then as time went on she would do mor strange things she was constantly on her phone playing games it was sometimes hard to have a conversation when it come to the bedroom it became a no go when it come to love making I only had to touch her and she would complain so I said if this is going to happen then we should stop and we did for the rest of our time together. I did not mind as sex is over important to me .I still loved he very much.we then sold the property and moved in to a new house witch I also turned in to a nice house. As time went on she done more strange things so I took on my self to look it up on the website.all the things she would do and the way she would treat me and the way she talks to me was heading towards being on the spectrum I would try and talk about it and she did not want to no and it got worse .and the last year the jungle was on tv Friday night ant and deck as from tomorrow we will be voting off so I sad who do you think will go first and she I don’t know you are watching it not me ion a bad tone of voice I had seven years of this and I sad something I should not of said I was so up set with my self for saying what I sad. It upset her so much that she wanted me out of the house.that was in October it’s turned out she is allistic so I was right I tried to talk about it but she wouldn’t she never wants to see me again. When an allistic person gets something in their head that’s it. I loved her and still do so much what I said was wrong but I had this for seven years and I would go back tomorrow if I could .we all need to talk if we don’t how can we work it all out. I’m 69 and now I have lost the one I loved so much. And I don’t want to go on anymore being alone is not good for the soul.



June 16, 2022 @ (Netherlands)

Tags: Breakup

When I was 16 I was curious about having a relationship with a boy. Any if possible, although I had some in mind for a while.

He was the friend of my brother, but also a friend in a group at school I was part of. He was nice, treated me like I was normal. I had very low self esteem. No other boy treated me like him.
I chatted a lot with him on MSN. At one point he broke up with his girlfriend and I was kind of eager to match him with someone. I started to like him and wishing I was his girlfriend. He made me feel tingly.
At one point I convinced him to kiss me. And he was very good at it.
We were not a couple at that point. He kept me on a distance, not sure what to do. Mostly because of my brother. The summer was hot and we were getting more involved. We shared many kisses and it was amazing. But still he would not want to be my boyfriend.
I was getting down, but I waited for him.
It was September when he finaly dared to make it official. My brother was kind of let down, but wanted us to be happy so he went along with it.

My relationship was in a nutshell a life changing experience, but not good for me. We had lots of sex, what kept us addicted to eachother. But he was not my match. He wanted to go out a lot, see sports and friends, while I wanted to stay at home, watch movies and such. And there was his toxic mother. In the beginning she was enthusiastic, but later on she didn't saw me as a good daughter in law. She was convinced I was not good for her son. In the end, she was right, but the way she treated me was not right. I felt worse about myself than ever before. But I loved him, so I holded on. Even when we were on a break for a month, I still went back to him. The last year of our relationship was the most miserable one. He made me feel like I was not good enough for him, because I was not myself. He was also right. I wasn't. I left all my hobbies behind and did things I didn't like. Even though he ment I was not his ideal girlfriend, I know now I couldn't match his expectations.
In the end he went out with a girl to a cinema. And that was his trigger to end it.
I was heartbroken and begged him to come back.
But he said he would not.
We met one last time and after that I never spoke to him again.

Now I can say I am grateful he ended it, but healing from this relationship took a long time for me. At first I thought about him daily, at almost every moment, and slowly that became less and less.

I met my husband 3 years later. Right after my lowest point ever. He is my match. Not sure soulmate, but I can't think of anyone more right for me. He is kind, caring, make me laugh and is my best friend. I can share anything with him. But most important: stay myself. I spent time on my hobbies and interests and he not only admires it, but stimulates me. I love him so much and I am grateful to have this other life.

From time to time I sometimes think about my ex. Wondering what my life would have looked like if we didn't broke up. Or what kind of children we would have had. I have a son now, so that is on my mind a lot. Doesn't mean I want to be his, but I just wonder. It doesn't hurt me anymore and I never want to go back.



March 22, 2022 @ (US)

Tags: sad break up, sad, death

My fiance was 11 years older than me. About six months before the wedding was planned he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. All he was going to need was a surgery to remove one testicle and six rounds of chemo. Unfortunately both testicle were removed by mistake. It was absolutely devastating. I broke off the engagement a few weeks later. He was heart broken but understood why. Sadly the cancer spread and ended up passing away after Thanksgiving last year. He left his house and money to me. I feel so guilty because remained so generous and kind to me.



April 27, 2021 @ (Midwest)

Tags: Bad Breakup

So I entered my first relationship for the first time in 2019 and everything was slowly turning amazing. I had begun opening up to him, something that he requested of me, and just being more happy in general. Sad to say I was a depressed little thing who was also agrophobic. Once we got closer to our one year anniversary we started discussing moving in together and even potentially having a family. My first red flag should have came from this as he often flip flopped on what it is he wanted and agreed to. So we move in together and about two months in I started developing BV and I would take medicine for it and get a yeast infection. I know now that not even a week after I first develop BV which I was told is common, he had began cheating on me with multiple women. This had been going on for months before I found out and it did it without any hesitation once so ever. I felt so betrayed as this was the man I thought had loved and respected me and would tell me magnificent things like he wished he had met me sooner in life. I tried to work things out with him but he said that the relationship was blah and that it had ran its course. I asked him what did they have that I didn't, besides the whole BV issue, and he just replied something different. This happened months ago and it still hurts like it happened yesterday because for some stupid reason I still love him. I do not understand what is wrong with me and my heart, but I wish so desperately that I didn't meet him. We still interact with each other and I know he still messes with some of the women that he cheated on me with, but he's just toying with them too telling them sweet nothings like he did me and fucking everything that moves. I am so desperate that I engage with sex with him and I know its stupid as fuck of me but I can't help it. I really don't want to feel what I feel anymore, but I can't cut off my feelings and if I leave I'll be homeless


Pedro Ramirez Nancy

March 18, 2021 @ (Bangladesh)

Tags: #badbreakup #heartbreak #firstlove

My name is Taylor and now I am 15 years old. Here is my bad break-up story: I was 12 years old and in Grade 5 when this guy named Sam had a crush on me. But as days went He started liking me more and more and then in class 6, he asked me out. And I said YES. 2 months went and then suddenly his mom somehow knew. and then she texted me that I should stop texting his son and that it's all over. I got scared to death as I always feared his mom. (ngl but his mom was very strict so yeah that's why I was always scared. And she was very popular among all the kids' mothers). so the next day, I came to school and I see Sam talking to one of my classmates about how his mom knew and all. and I went up to him and then asked him "Hey, can we talk?", he shouted at me in front of all my classmates "You get out of my sight right now! RIGHT NOW!!", I didn't know what's going on so I left, humiliated. and then so after school was over and it was time for me to head home, Sam came up to me and then told me "Hey that was actually a prank." and I said "what was a prank?", he replied "that mom text" and then I left without replying as it was so lame. he chased me and said that he loved me. and I told him "Aren't we on a break or something?" and he just left, mad and I didn't like that for some reason. made me feel like I couldn't take his joke. so then I went to him and said that I loved him too (which was true btw, I really loved him) and then the next week, his mom again found out that we're still together and then she suddenly came to my school and I had to face her out of nowhere. She told the rest of my classmates' moms that their children should not talk to me as i will make their children bad and that I am toxic. So I eventually lost all my friends. So She started the conversation by saying "I'll slap you and break all your teeth, who do you think you are?" and she continued "do you even know who we are? how stupid of you to even think that I was uneducated like your mother??? Sam's mom and dad aren't uneducated like your parents so know your place. How dare you even run after my son?? I have warned you earlier. Didn't you reply to my text? why did you not listen to my warning? I will make sure that you get expelled from school. Where's the vice principal?" I still don't understand how my parents are involved here. Most of the stuff that she said was about my parents. My parents had nothing to do with this. An just because they are richer, doesn't mean that my parents are "uneducated" just because we aren't as rich as them. I was scared to death. and Sam just stood there. he didn't even stop his mom. and then I was shaking and standing in one corner and then I went home and I couldn't tell anyone as I thought it was actually all my fault.. and then the next day I go to school and I see Sam with his friends, all ready to start an argument with me. I really wanted to talk to him and so I ask him "can we talk?" and he starts his argument by saying "You're so cheap!", I felt bad. He then continues, "Do you guys know what his dad does?? Your parents are uneducated" - and my classmates then shouted "OHH DAMNN SAMM" and I just couldn't take it anymore so I head to the washroom and then my classmates started taking votes like "Sam or Taylor?" and everyone supported Sam. Months go by and we are always in the same classroom. He never stopped bullying me. And then quarantine happened and I am so happy. I feel so happy. But then a few days ago I had to go to school for something and then being back to school made me depressed once again and made me feel bad like all those flashbacks came and the whole week I was depressed. I'm okay now and I will have to face sam one day.
It just hurts so much. I'm in class 8 now and I still haven't moved on.



January 18, 2021 @ (Jaipur)

Tags: Toobroken

Broken hearted writing this i hate you i hate you so much,.
Made mefeel like no hope, nothing at all
The sweet words turned to ff words. Its not changing a guy its like you were same fro bigginning but i never realized with my eyes
When i ask myself i only got tears ntg elseand i just want to shut the door and simply cry over thats it. It all started in front of god but yet he keep his silence.When i met you first i had never realized how much i could love a guy but tdy wrting this why for god sake i met you.
You made me feel like i lived two years with you unloved just for your time pass. Bcz of u i lost my career and lost hope.Actually i lost my hope in god too. You have every thing and every one around you but why did you made me alone, I pushed my friends away and the thoughts thts in my head never rests bcz of you i made 3 times sucidal attempts but god saved me for more suffering and making me see you with someone else.
All you did was nothing just to hurt, once you controlled me said you loved me and protected me, then left me for higher study - said your father wont agree with you, then you put your frnds around me to keep an eye on me, then you fall with someone else, you started fighting for blaming me and then all of a sudden i was the one who made all the things bad in your life so the break up initiated.
Whts wrong with me why did you do this to me were the exact words i asked him.
He replied in cold tht he left me and it was over no point in arguing over the past and further told me he never truely loved me.I know my mistake,may be being loyal and expecting the same from you, little bit of understanding and bit of true love i guess, the time .
There is no hope. May god bless you even if you have thousands of gffs.
If anyone reading this plz be honest with your gf even the bitter truth can't hit her hear but your hidden lie does.


Destiny Mullins

July 30, 2020 @ (Vicco, Kentucky)

Tags: Saddest thing I've ever experienced

First of all, we're gonna put some back story in here.
It wasn't me, but it was my ex bestfriend (who we'll call Jessica) and her ex boyfriend (Noah). Now, please note that they had sex the first night they met, so it obviously wasn't gonna last. But, basically, Noah was kinda a player. He went around from girl to girl without a care in the world...until he met Jessica. They are both really great people, they come out as assholes sometimes, but they have big hearts. A few weeks after they met, Jessica got pregnant. So, since Noah's parents were really religious, they felt it was right to get engaged. They were so cute together, Noah offering to hold her hair while she puked, or just them falling asleep together while watching a movie. All was well with everyone...until Jessica lost the baby. She blamed it on Noah because he "was never around", but he was ALWAYS around. He works from home because of corona. They were devistated, and had A LOT of issues after that. One day, Jessica said she needed some space and Noah was completely understanding of that. She went to her cousins house, where her ex lived, but Noah believed that she would be loyal. A few days went by, and he hadn't heard of her. So, like the loving boyfriend he was/IS, he checked her facebook and saw something I wish he hadn't. He saw that Jessica had gotten back with her ex, and had unfriended him. He started crying, and I swear it was so sad. He went in their room, got his stuff, put it in his car, and said the saddest lines I've ever heard in my life: "I don't know what I did wrong, but I'll be okay. I can't say I haven't gotten jealous, because I have. But most importantly, I'll miss you guys, you're like family to me...I love you all."
I'll never forget the look on his face when he left.